Feb 07, 2011 01:13

Okay guys, I know I've been next to dead on this community, BUT-

You all know how we're in the middle of this age!Event, right? Well, Denmark-mun and I have been plotting, and it turns out little Denmark is a little arsonist. He's burning stuff down all over the place, but just when something important is burned down (not necessarily important to the game, just something that meant something to someone), and it actually wasn't little!Denmark, he's accused and it's up to little!Edgeworth to defend him in a Phoenix Wright-style court case. What we need are people to help participate in this to make it happen.

What we need YOU for:

Culprit: Someone who burns down something important.

Prosecutor: Someone who acts on behalf of whoever complained about whatever was burned down by "Denmark". This person will be up against a battle of wits with little!Edgeworth, who will be trying to prove Denmark innocent.

Judge: ...the judge.

Witnesses: Anyone who wants to throw their character in there. Can be for or against Denmark, but you should probably contact either me or Denmark-mun about it so we can put holes in the testimony XD

If you've ever played Phoenix Wright, you'll know that the "culprit" may also be a witness, as well as the person who is trying to sue Denmark. In this case, we may not be suing Denmark as much as just proving if he actually burned down whateveritis or not.

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