log #0009 [VIDEO]

Dec 15, 2010 14:13

Date: xx/xx/2010 Gregorian - xx/12/xxxx Hijri - approximately
Time: not set - mid-day
Begin log #0009

My system has recieved an upgrade!

I can now cook at a much faster rate, without the need for ingredients or cooking utensils.

It's very strange!

[She's holding an obscene amount of peanut butter sandwiches and what appears to be bowl of frozen chickens and strawberries have just appeared beside her.

She reaches out to catche the bowl. Is that an omelette floating over her head?

No, wait, the omelette is being carried by a Magnemite.]

It has been a very long time since I've encountered Pokemon.

This is Coil. [The odd single-eyed metallic ball perches on her head, with what appears to be two screws under its one eye, on poking out of the top of its head/body and two horseshoe magnets on either side for limbs.

It looks about as happy as a magnet can look.]

The Magnet Pokemon! It's an Electric Type Pokemon. It has the abilities Magnetism and Sturdy.

I haven't seen one in a very long time... there were many on the Megaliba, before I arrived here in Reverie Lane. [She smiles up at the little Pokemon, which floats up and proceeds to drift around across the screen.

However, once it starts floating too close to the screen, the recording becomes a bit unclear, perhaps due to the strong magnetic field.]

Are there other Pokemon here? Requesting information...

End of log #0009


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