[ /.First Blade./.In Person./.Introduction./ ]

Dec 05, 2010 03:40

E-Eh... Where am I...?

[ The boy is hugging his arms, eyebrows fretted upwards as he lets his hands shake on his forearms, looking about nervously in the new atmosphere - he couldn't remember anything. Where had he been last? Where was he now? It was nowhere that he recognized, that was for sure... ]

How am I supposed to deal with this...?

[ There is a heavy sigh that hangs in the foggy atmosphere, and the boy leans a shoulder against one of the walls, looking down at his feet and biting his lower lip. It was only a matter of time until someone found him, and what was he going to do then? He didn't know how to deal with people he didn't know! What if it was a girl?! There was no way that this could end well.

Pessimistic thoughts flood his mind while he looks off nervously, afraid to keep taking steps towards an unknown destination, and even more afraid what to do when he got there. Nearly shaking with insecurity, the boy slowly goes on, eyes dancing around as if not to be snuck up upon. ]

...I-Is anyone even here...? I don't know how to deal with not knowing where I am...

[ His voice echoes slightly even though it is quiet, and he wonders if he should keep going or stop, seeing as it seemed deserted...maybe he should just sit down for a while. Resting his back against the wall with a worried and nervous expression written about his face, his eyes remained wide and scared-looking, one of his hands coming up to brush the hair out of his face. Perhaps someone would find him soon enough... ]
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