Seventh Flare

Jun 25, 2010 11:46

Ryo has been a slight insomniac lately, so he's currently laying in the grass in his yard, staring up and the sky. White blaze being an ever constant presence at his side. He lets out a small sigh and stretches his arms out, arching his back slgihtly, cracking his back. With that done he sighs in quiet happiness and re-situates himself on the ground. He reaches to the side of him and starts petting White Blaze, closing his eyes for a second. So, he doesn't notice the fog that is coming in. He breathes in deeply, therefor breathing in the fog, and starts to feel a little sleepy now. He he lets out another yawn, which makes him inhale some more fog. He tries to get up, but lays back down, and decides that he doesn't want to move, so, he curls up against White Blaze and promptly falls asleep.

Ryo is sleeping peacefully in the grass outside of the home he is staying in. Though White Blaze isn't next to him and he's wearing his pre-armor, instead of the Green long sleeved shirt and dark blue jeans he was wearing before, which doesn't feel to good to sleep in. So, he begins the wake up sequence by scrunching his face together and then opening his eyes, having a bleary look in them. He blinks the sleep out of them and sits up, rubbing his eyes to get the rest of the sleep out. After waking up a little more, he looks around, noticing that White Blaze isn't there. He also looks down and notices that he's in his pre-armor. He gets a confused look on his face and looks up, seeing a glimpse of White Blaze in the house. He walks over to the door leading inside and pulls it open, stepping though it...and ends up on a street of a city that looks like it's been in a war.

It's very bleak and grey in the city. The streets are torn up, there are blown up buildings and cars lying around and there is a water hydrant that is gushing water. Ryo once again, looks around confused. "Ok, this is weird. Where are all the people?" he wonders aloud. "Maybe they're hiding. Man, this looks as bad as when Talpa first attacked."

He starts to walk around. After what seems like minutes of walking around, he hears something in the sky. He looks up and his eyes get really wide and he lets out a yell. The reason for this is that, in the sky, there is what looks like an old Japanese temple with various feudal japan looking buildings around it.

"The Dynasty?!" he yells and quickly looks around, "why is the Dynasty here?!"

"Because you left Ryo...," said a voice with a light brooklyn accent behind him, "that's why they made it all the way here."

Ryo spins around and looks at the figure that spoke with a startled look in his eye and a yell of, "Rowan!?". The figure standing behind him is wearing a dark blue suit of armor and is holding a bow at his side. "Why'd you leave Ryo? Talpa and his army made it through us, they've won," says the same brooklyn voice, "and it's because you abandoned us."

Ryo shakes his head in disbelief, "I didn't abandon you guys! It wasn't my fault that I left! This crazy computer program named Memoria took me away and is using me for some STUPID expieriments! I didn't want to leave!"

"Sounds like a weak excuse. I thought you were better than that buddy" said another voice behind Ryo, since he was facing Rowan.

This voice made Ryo turn around quickly again and he said, "Kento!" in a slightly relieved voice.

This, 'Kento' is wearing a bright orange suit of samurai armor and is holding a spear. He is glaring at Ryo.

Ryo starts to glare back at Kento, "It's true! I know it sounds like I made it up, but I didn't! Why would I make something like this up?!"

"Either left and we lost." said yet ANOTHER voice, this time it was to Ryo's left.

He turns quickly and glares at two different people, one in green samurai armor, holding a sword and another in light blue samurai armor holding a trident. The one that spoke was the one in green. "I didn't leave, I was taken!" he yelled, "I'm here now though! Let's go and beat Talpa once and for all! We can do it!"

The boy in light blue armor shakes his head and says in a soft, British accent, "It doesn't work like that see...," he grins a sadistic grin that doesn't look like it belongs on his face, "we WORK for Talpa now. We didn't want to die, so we are his servants now." At that, the all raise their weapons and aim them at Ryo. Rowan shakes his head and says, "Sorry Ryo, but you gotta die!" At that, the other four all attack. Ryo, on instinct starts to glow with power, and red kanji symbol standing for 'Virtue' on his forehead and calls out, "Armor of Wildfire....Dao Ji!!" He is then surrounded by what looks like japanese scrolls with flower petals on them and when they disappear, Ryo is standing in red samurai armor, and is holding two katanas in his hands. He quickly swipes his blades at the ground and blows the other warriors back.

Ryo looks at all of them, his face showing pain and saddness, "I don't want to fight you guys," he lowers his head, "but if you've joined Talpa," he looks up with blazing eyes, "I'll have to stop you!" He then runs towards the nearest Ronin, which happens to be Kento and starts attacking him. After a couple minutes of standing there stunned, the other ronins jump into the battle.  Not even a minute into the battle his swords disappear and his armor disappears so all he has to fight with is his fists and now he's only in his pre armor...this could get really bad, really fast.

[and this starts Ryo's wild fight against the other Ronin Warriors. Feel free to come in and be like, "What the crap?" or anything of the sort.or to just sit there and watch the show!]

ryo sanada

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