Being Bad is Good

Oct 21, 2005 01:44

I received my City of Villains beta invite last month, and I've been addicted ever since. The game looks and feels like City of Heroes, but it's a lot more fun. The new stuff is great: costume options, power sets, archetypes,'s a lot better than I expected.

The whole beta thing was a real bitch early on. The mapsever would disconnect constantly, causing a lovely rubberband effect, and eventually crashing the entire server. This went on for weeks, actually. The devs seemed to have worked out a lot of the bugs over the last two weeks, and it's made the game a lot more enjoyable.

There were two key things that convinced me to pre-order the game (which goes live on Halloween): 1) The CoV servers will be linked with the CoH servers (I can have all my heroes and villains in the same place), 2) There is no additional monthly charge for CoV if you have a CoH account. All the costume options and new power sets in the world wouldn't mean shit if I had to shell out another $14.95 a month just to be a bad guy.

Another cool new addition, added on Thursday, is you can now have 12 characters on each server (raising the limit from 8); and this applies to CoH as well, once the Issue 6 expansion is released on the 31st.

I was going to do an actual review of my beta test, with screenshots and everything, but that would mean I'd have to stop playing long enough to work on it.

Oh well, back to being bad...
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