Video Game Voters Network

Mar 15, 2006 18:56

Video Game Voters Network

The Video Game Voters Network exists to empower Americans who play video games to take action against threats to this entertainment medium and to stay informed about the latest issues that could affect our choice in video game entertainment. Video games are a modern form of entertainment entitled to the same creative and free speech protections afforded by the US Constitution to older media such as movies, music, and books. So join the Video Game Voters Network and speak up for games and gamer rights.
Take A Stand, Protect Your Games!

Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Joe Lieberman (D-CT), and Evan Bayh (D-IN) recently announced that they will introduce "The Family Entertainment Protection Act," which would regulate the sale of certain video games throughout the country.

In the past year, Michigan, Illinois, and California have all passed laws to ban the sale of certain video games to minors. So far, courts have blocked these laws from taking effect. But anti-video game forces are pressing forward. Gamers must stand up now and take action. Government does not regulate access to or the sale of movies, books or cable TV, and it should not regulate video games.

The computer and video game industry has a widely praised self-regulatory system including Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings, advertising and marketing restrictions, parental education, and console manufacturers are now introducing parental control features that will be available in the next generation consoles. Moreover, every major retailer has a policy to ask for ID before selling games to minors. The effect of legislation seeking to regulate games would stifle constitutionally-protected creativity in a medium that is at the cutting-edge of innovative entertainment.

Please take action now and tell your Senators not to co-sponsor or support "The Family Entertainment Protection Act."

Contact Your Senators!

Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Joe Lieberman (D-CT), and Evan Bayh (D-IN) recently introduced "The Family Entertainment Protection Act" which would regulate the sale of certain video games throughout the country.

Courts have already struck down similar legislation in Michigan, Illinois and California. Gamers must stand up now and take action. Cable television, books, and movies are not regulated by content or subject to strict distribution provisions, so why should the games that you pay for be regulated?

The computer and video game industry has a widely praised self-regulatory system including Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings, advertising and marketing restrictions and parental education. Console manufacturers are now introducing parental control features that will be available in the next generation consoles. Moreover, every major retailer has a policy to ask for ID before selling games to minors. The effect of legislation seeking to regulate games would stifle constitutionally-protected creativity in a medium that is at the cutting-edge of innovative entertainment.

Please take action now to tell your Senator and Congressman to vote against "The Family Entertainment Protection Act." Protect your games!
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