Courtesy of a Kiwi who borrowed this from an Aussie, here's a Texan's response to a survey that's been going around.
1. Did you cry today?
I don't believe so, no.
2. What were you doing at 8.00am this morning?
Sitting in class getting ready to take notes.
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago?
Getting lovely bureaucratic forms signed.
4. What was something that happened to you in 1992?
I recorded a dumb commercial on a tape that I still have for the fictional John's Cruisy Corral Cafe.
5. What is your Mom's Moms name?
6. Words to explain why you last threw up?
7. What color is your hairbrush?
Green I believe.
8. What was the last thing you bought?
A whole mess of goodies from Pizza hutt to celebrate the end of the spring semester.
9. Name 5 things you want to do before you die?
Obtain a decent career, get a short-term Reverend BigDawg record deal, spawn, become more financially and residentially independent, and spawn some more.
10. What did you eat for breakfast?
Two cups of coffee and a banana.
11. Where did your last hug take place?
DFW International Airport
12. Are you ticklish?
Only my feet are.
13. Are you typically a jealous person?
Sometimes, but not usually.
14. Favorite animal?
Any animal that's on a plate! Yum yum eat'em up! really I've never been too big a fan of animals. I'm allergic to all of the good ones.
15. Last gift received?
A huge box of Matt's Cookies, courtesy of Maria.
16. Who's the last person to call you?
Bryan during the show last night.
17. Do you chew on your straws?
Nope. means less time for slurpin!
18. What makes you sad?
The response of the Chinese and Burmese governments to foreign efforts to help the victims of the recent natural disasters.
19. Where did you go today?
My desk, the shower, downstairs, upstairs, and then to campus. Oh, I went downstairs again before I went to campus. I should have mentioned that, cuz otherwise John would have been going out the window.
20. What is something you say a lot?
"geez," "Dag nab it," "as Kung Fu Docta would-a-say."
21. Who was the last person you said "I love you" to and meant it?
My mom.
22. What should you be doing right now?
Heading outside.
23. Do you have a nickname?
Stupid, PortaJohn, Clower.
24. Are you a heavy sleeper?
Most of the time.
25. What are you listening to?
Well, when I wrote out the answers to this survey, it was class ambiance, or is it ambience? Ok, it's ambiance.
26. What was the best movie you've seen in the past two weeks?
I haven't seen one in the last two weeks.
27. Do you like anyone right now?
28. What book are you reading at the moment?
Gregory S. Mahler. Comparative Politics: An Institutional and Cross-National Approach, (Fifth Edition).
29. Name someone who made you smile today?
Dr. maeda (during class) and several people through various messengers, incidentally also during class.
30. Secret guilty pleasure?
Well I'm not ashamed of this or anything, but there are two. The first is to spin around in my chair, singing along with random tunes in my music collection. the second is to put on a good documentary and gorge on raisin Bran. Hey, it beats getting drunk every weekend.
Normally I don't do this, but anyone who missed my show last night should really go
check out the archive. I didn't quite manage to get through everything in the three-hour timeframe, but I only ran over by thirteen minutes. To be perfectly honest, I'd have to rank this among my best efforts. There was so much material, and the pace of the show was almost feverish at times. Not bad, considering I'd been up since 4:00 that morning.
Alright. time to head for home. have a wonderful day, everyone!