Oct 04, 2007 18:12
I can neverr come up with a subject for these entries! oh well. This will be a quick one, as I shall be making my way homeward soon.
Because our chapter chairman had other commitments tonight, I ran the YCT meeting for the second time in the history of the world. The first was probably about a year ago to date, and I was so nervous that I barely pulled it off. Tonight went far far better, and we have several noobies who will be joining. I like to think that my presentation had something to do with it, but let's be realistic here. I do have to admit though that my voice resonates quite nicely in that room. FEAR ME! FOR I HAVE A BASSY VOICE! GROWL AND STUFF!
A real selling point to one of our newcomers was the fact that the organization itself does not have a position one way or the other on the war in Iraq. It's one of the annoying stereotypes that has always irked this Clower. People assume that, because you identify yourself as being politically conservative, that you must be a rubberstamp Bush clone of some sort. Now there are some issues I do agree with the president on. But there are just as many, if not more, that I don't. Wait, could I have constructed that sentence better? Probably so. But I'm hungry and full of coffee, so I'm out of here.