Worst Enemy

Aug 12, 2004 20:08

Well Droogs it has been a malenky bit of time since I, your humble narrator has checked in with his favorite bordeom cure isn't it? Well to be frank life is dull, monotonous, uneventful, worthless, lifeless, zombified, horrificly mind numbing, tired, devoid of excitement, and ultimately it is bonecrunchingly, infinitively boring! Busch Gardens was nifty yesterday, defninitely a lot of eyecandy but the only problem was no tasting of the candy so the day was a waste sexually and romantically. Its all good though, plenty of hot women for the drooling over if you're into teasing yourself into thinking u have a shot. It is pretty horrible when you go to a place to meet chicks and all you can find ar ethe amazingly hot ones that you knowe you're fucked from the very beginning so all that ends up happening is a bunch of gawking with your friends while they laugh and run off. Fun day for your penis. "Is it a go? No go? ok. Wait any hope? Oh, shes taken? Oh ok. Wow this ones hot, wait, lesbian? Dammmittt." -the general thoughts of a dick. But other than that life is just peachy I suppose what with school about to start in a few weeks and Me needing to get a job. ON one final note I will ask my ever vigilant droogs one thing. Does this line, taken directly from a letter sent by the school board and written by our oh so wise principal, not look like a line from some kind of preview for an action movie?
"In a few short weeks summer will be a thing of the past"(add exciting music and dramatic pauses in the sentence where necessary and you will see what I mean)
later droogs, and viddy well all this oh so malenky and weepy world has to offer
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