Craig Johnson of
Silver Bullet Comics, one of the biggest internet comic sites (They host the
All The Rage gossip column and will soon host me and Dan's column when we write it) did an interview with me a week or so after Bristol.
With editing, revised questions and a variety of interesting pictures including two from Of Vengeance, two from Starship Troopers #4, two from Doctor Who #1 and a sketch of Feline from Mythlands with Jim Suthern, it's finnaly up, and I talk about the infamous 'Treegate', my opinion of the Eagle awards, my favourite piece of writing, a variety of my projects, my friendship with Dan and what we're doing next (including the long-awaited Gloom Trade and the Tizzle Sisters with G.P. Taylor) and a whole lot more.
The interview can be found
A side note for Firefox users however - for some reason the various times in the interview that I use a hyphen, for some reason it replaces with a question mark. No, I have no idea either, but it makes my replies kinda strange sometimes...
Oh, and
sallamino - Hannah came through, girl. Hannah came through ;-)