The Black Family Rec List

Apr 28, 2007 01:01

A rec list of Black Family Fic, not including Sirius-centric, because I have enough Sirius-centric for another list, should I ever get the time.

EDIT 8-21-07: I've added some new fics to the bottom of this list. The summary's are the author's and the link text will be taken from the story. *is lazy*

Please note that any fic after the NEW marker may contain DH spoilers.

Title: Putting Away Childish Things
Author: lareinenoire

Andromeda attends her uncle's funeral. Her less-than-pleasant reception is not unexpected.

They won't harm me. Kinslaying is...not recommended.

Title: Reverberate
Author: noldo_

Andromeda reflects on her family and the war.

...he sits at the table dangling a spoon from his nose to make her daughter smile, and Andromeda thinks oh, sweet, sweet fools.

Title: Pictures
Author: stephanometra

Sirius looks at pictures of Nymphadora. Regulus doesn't understand.

It's Andromeda's baby, not that you give a shite.

Title: Falling Apart in Slow Motion (The Brother's Keeper Remix)
Author: axl_rose_tyler

It's cruel to have to choose between friends and family. Sirius didn't always think Regulus was useless.

James has been Sirius's brother for years, but it still feels like betrayal when he leaves half an hour later, and he isn't sure who's betraying whom.

Title: In a Rainstorm
Author: rudhampaiel

Regulus asks Sirius for a place to spend the night.

Whether you wanted to or not doesn’t matter - you did, and that’s weak.

Title: The Cruelest Months
Author: gehayi

The brewing war forces difficult choices on members of the Black family.

She cannot marry Ted without taking sides in Voldemort's war. And she already knows what side that most of her kinfolk are on.

Title: Fraternal Love, or, Five Things Sirius Never Quite Forgave Regulus For
Author: athousandwinds

Regulus never wanted Sirius to hate him, but he didn't want the rest of his family to hate him either.

Regulus hadn't really understood then, either, that Sirius would never forgive him for being the one to tell him that in the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black, you conformed or died.

Title: He Who Laughed Last
Author: noldo_

It would have helped, maybe, if Regulus had been sorted into Gryffindor. Regulus, and the choices which brought him to heroism by death.

He was Sorted into Slytherin.
His parents sent him an owl of hearty congratulation and pride, which Regulus tore up and threw away.

Title: Seven
Author: noldo_

Regulus lasts seven days.

Pah, Sirius replies gravely, adolescent scorn, flicking dark hair out of his face, leaning casually against the wall. Living forever is boring.

Title: The Dying of the Light
Author: floweringjudas

Regulus thinks of childhood holidays and waits.

The villagers gaze curiously up at the green light exploding, swirling into the early night sky from a distance, and marvel uneasily at how the strange design hovers and stays.

Title: The Fall of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
Author: xylodemon

Regulus, Sirius, and a fate bigger than them both.

"You had your chance," Sirius says quietly, pushing away from the wall he's been lounging against. "I asked you to come with me."

Title: The Lesser Evil
Author: lazy_neutrino

Courage is not only for Gryffindors, which Regulus discovers too late.

There are moments that define a life. Regulus knows instinctively that this is one of them.

NEW FICS (8-21-07)

Title: Five Times Andromeda Tonks Said Good-bye
Author: kethlenda

Andromeda's loves and losses during the Second War.

Dora's face was set, her chin lifted in defiance, and Andromeda knew Dora would fight tooth and nail for Remus Lupin, come what may.

Title: The Arithmetic of Compassion
Author: Anonymous @ hp_summergen

"Regulus," she says slowly, "I hope that, when you are your brother’s age, you are not nearly so difficult."

He looks at Sirius, but Sirius does not look back.

Title: Between All You Wish for and All You Need
Author: Anonymous @ hp_summergen

'If I could have, I would have sprung him long ago.'

'I slipped him some Sleeping Draught about an hour ago,' said Mrs Potter quietly as she entered and handed a steaming mug to Andromeda.

Title: One Last Lullaby
Author: lady-altair

The Great Hall has long been quiet when Narcissa sees Andromeda.

There is an infant in her arms; her grandchild, Narcissa remembers with a start. The werewolf’s son.

Title: Never Quite a Fairytale
Author: lady-altair

It was Regulus’s favorite tale in the whole book, but he never told his mother that.

Liking the story made him weak, like Sirius, but unlike Sirius, he was ashamed of this.

Title: Of Heroes
Author: wanderlight

Regulus has always wanted to do great things, and perhaps he could have, in some other time and place - but this is not that time, or that place, and this is not that story.

He doesn't allow himself to wonder what would happen if the Order of the Phoenix approached him.

Title: The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black (the last of the family line remix)
Author: xylodemon

A story about decisions, and consequences, and perhaps the meaning of honour

"Of course you do," Lupin countered. "You wouldn't have come, otherwise, unless you were hoping to kill him." His voice was low, and very, very tight. "If that's the case... well, I seem to have fouled up your plans. We had a row earlier, and Sirius has a habit of ending fights he can't win by leaving."

Title: Time Drains Away
Author: such_heights

These are the last hours of Regulus' life.

'Afraid, cousin?' Bellatrix asked, and there was almost a note of concern in her voice.

fanfic, fic recs, regulus, harry potter, sirius

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