From the San Franciso Chronicle
If you're an obsessed Harry Potter fan, Voldemort isn't the problem. It's Hermione versus Ginny.
...Competition has been especially fierce between the Harry/Hermione and Harry/Ginny camps, where devotees have spent years on various Web sites, forums and mailing lists arguing the plausibility of their chosen pairings. "The Half-Blood Prince" should have settled the matter when it matched Harry with Ginny and Hermione with Ron. Instead, it's caused an eruption of fannish dismay. "That woman has completely destroyed my faith in ever having a real relationship," opined one Harry/Hermione 'shipper on an online message board. Another pronounced the book "a large, steaming pile of decaying crap."...
Hahahahahahahahaha. *stops laughing long enough to type*
For those of you who aren't insanely obsessed with Harry Potter, a rift has recently occured in the Harry Potter fandom. Or should I say, in the shipdom. You see, there are many types of obsessed Harry Potter fans. There are the fan-fiction writers, the 'shippers, the Sleuths, and other categories that I can't think of right now. I am a sleuth. What I mean by that is that I like the books as a mystery. I like to re-read them to guess what is going to happen, and I form insane theories about how the gum wrappers Neville's mother gives him are actually secret messages. (They're not, I know.) Fan-fiction writers are people who write stories about Harry Potter characters. These stories can be about anything from the night the Potter's died, to a secret romance between Draco and Harry. (Don't ask) But on to the 'shippers, as they are what the above article is concerned with. 'shipper is short for relationshipper. Meaning a 'shipper is a person who favors a particular relationship between two characters. The most prominent of these are the Harry/Hermione, Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny groups. Now, in the latest installment in the Potter series, Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny were canonized (made certain). This has left the Harmonians (Harry/Hermione 'shippers) in a frenzy. When Emerson, founder and owner of Mugglenet, called Harmonians delusional and JKR laughed, Harmoinans erupted. There has been everything from people threatening to boycott the books, to people comparing Harmonians to slaves because they are being "oppressed." (I'm not kidding, I wish I was.)
Click Here. Okay, so Emerson was tactless. But it was obvious that what he said was intended as a joke and he meant no harm. Harmonians in general are just like all the other HP fans. They even have some great reasons for wanting Harry and Hermione to end up together. But these are books, people. It's really sad when I, of all people, have to say that. There's no reason to get angry at JKR because she think Ginny is a better girlfriend for Harry. These books aren't about romance! It's completely ridiculous. The people that end up on Emerson's Wall of Shame deserve to be there.
So there's your information that you thought you didn't want to know and now are sure you didn't want to know. *giggle* 'shippers... Honestly.
Note: Re-posted from my old OO.net blog