[Now this? This was fairly interesting. She's currently swaying
this while holding on to one of those mechanical mice.]
Now this is magic! I should learn how to cause this illusion really, it'd be a great act! [She bounces upon her feet some before she sets it upon her bed (which is no longer a mess, she cleaned up her room a bit too at that)
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Well that's a shame. Too bad you can't hear what I am...it's pretty nifty for a jazz song.
[laughs] Jazz sounds pretty good right now, actually.
[Smiles] I've never really been interested in jazz before. I'm liking it so far. What's your song sound like then?
Best description I can think of? [a pause] Something like a really annoying commercial jingle set on repeat.
Really annoying commercial jingle huh? Just don't start singing it days later once it's all over.
Trust me, that's the farthest thing from my mind. Though I can't guarantee I won't still hear it after it actually goes away. It's the kind of tune that sticks around, you know?
Well are you distracting yourself for now? Seems like it's the kind of tune you want out of your head.
Not yet, but I've got a few ideas. Though, the best and fastest way probably'd be drinking.
What's so good about drinking? I've been meaning to ask Daddy that one.
[pauses] I don't know about your dad, but it can be a quick way to keep yourself from thinking about things you'd rather not. [grins a bit] Or in this case, things you'd rather not hear. 'Course, it can be fun, too, as long as you know when to stop.
[She just smiles.] So it's both good and bad if you know when to quit? Sounds interesting. Still Daddy says I'm a bit too young so I think I'll wait a few more years to try anything that rebellious.
A few more years sounds smart, wouldn't want to give the guy a heart attack. You've still got plenty of chances to be a little "rebellious", anyway.
[She nods a bit, thinking about it some.] Well I can't be a good girl forever. Gotta give Daddy some problems sometime outside of the normal bothering to be feed normal food. Sounds just the opposite than it should be really.
Are you going to go out drinking then Matt?
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