These are my favorite cookies ever !
- Yesterday, we did a very exciting thing. Jonathan, Thomas, Jonathan's friend and I went to a midnight screening at an old cimena in Paris. It was really exciting, I had never done that before ! Afterwards, we had to walk back to the station to take a night bus and I did another new thing : we walked in Paris, at night and it was almost empty (not creepy empty but still strange). It was great ! And we didn't get lost which is something to celebrate. I didn't feel that great when Thomas asked if I had my pepper spray in my bag, though ! But no, it wasn't scary. It felt great ! We ended up not sleeping at all. We watched some more films. I got back home this morning and ... slept until now.
- My sisters are watching Titanic downstairs. I love that film ! It reminds me that I'm really excited about Revolutionary Road coming out in dvd this summer !
- I'd like to buy
The Times of Harvey Milk, the documentary by Rob Epstein but I really should keep my money for London in two weeks (already!). I'm torn... I know I'll end up buying it eventually. I've always heard it was a must-see. I became a bit obssessed with Harvey Milk actually !
- Lately, I saw Cat on a hot tin roof by Richard Brooks with Paul Newman and A Streetcar named desire by Elia Kazan with Marlon Brondo and both were good (particularly the first one but then, I'm in love with Paul Newman so I'm a bit biaised). Tennessee Williams really is the best. It was the first time I saw Marlon Brando in one of his films and I thought he was absolutely gorgeous !
- Paolo Nutini's new album is coming out tomorrow !!
I hope you're all good !