Challenge #03 - Be / Fuck / Marry / Kill

Jan 06, 2013 12:19

Your task this week is to submit a set of four icons following the theme: be, fuck, marry, kill! You can find caps for the show @ grande-caps

∞ you may submit 4 icons
∞ you must follow the rules in our profile page
∞ submit your entry in a new post and tag it with "challenge 003" and you username's tag; if you haven't one yet, I'll provide your own the first time you enter a challenge
∞ your icons must be new, made specifically for this community
∞ you may change your icons whenever you want before the deadline
∞ DEADLINE for this challenge is SUNDAY 13 JANUARY AT 12:00 P.M. (gmt +1 | countdown)

challenge 003

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