Ok, just a touch of background:
Um Pinnacle tech support SUCKS. I bought a Dazzle Video Creator Platinum (refurbushed by Pinnacle) and it came w/ software *from pinnacle*. I spent most of the previous evening attempting to install the software that came with the product and spent a great deal of time trying the suggestions on thier own website, downloading thier suggested drivers and basically doing everything I could before I used their chat tech support.
What follows is the ENTIRE chat session w/ tech support - actually this is just the last session. I have not edited it in any way and this comes directly from the e-mail record of the chat.
The Revengel: I was on the line w/ Norman before. Can you share notes between reps? [08:33:08 PM]
The Revengel: long story short I have Win XP w/ SP 2, I've tried to install studio 10 QS... [08:33:30 PM]
The Revengel: yet the installation won't complete. [08:33:40 PM]
The Revengel: Last night I tried about 12-15 times to install the program, [08:33:56 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I apologize but we do not support that software. I suggest go to our forums and to our knowledge base for more information about this product. [08:34:08 PM]
The Revengel: And was able to get the serial number in...even register.. [08:34:08 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Starting October 1st, 2008, phone, live chat and email support are no longer available for Studio 10, 9, 8, 7 & 1, ShowCenter and PCTV with Vision software product lines. Please only use the online support (Knowledge Base, Discussion Forums) to submit your question.
answer id:13916
Answer Link:
http://pinnacle.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/pinnacle.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=13916&p_created=1158009688[08:34:17 PM]
The Revengel: EX CUSE ME????? [08:34:21 PM]
The Revengel: ANY REASON HE DIDN'T MENTION THAT AT ALL???? [08:34:49 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Do you received any specific error messages? [08:35:23 PM]
The Revengel: Yes...I did! [08:35:35 PM]
The Revengel: "An error (-5005: Ox80070017) has occurred while running the setup. [08:36:23 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: When did you get that error message? [08:36:58 PM]
The Revengel: "Please make sure you have completed any previous setup and closed other applications. If the error still occours, please contact your vendor: Pinnacale Systems.' [08:37:05 PM]
The Revengel: After the failed installation. [08:37:12 PM]
The Revengel: Norman told me to try this in Safe Mode (after I had attempted uninstalling Instant DVD at his suggestion) [08:37:45 PM]
The Revengel: And Safe Mode didn't work. [08:37:51 PM]
The Revengel: I told him I'd be back on at 20:40 to report either way. [08:38:11 PM]
The Revengel: I also mentioned I was skeptical...and with good reason. [08:38:26 PM]
The Revengel: By the way, this is the software that shipped with the product. [08:39:12 PM]
The Revengel: Care for my 'customer care' number? [08:39:26 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Can you please try to copy the whole data from the installer disc and try to click setup.exe from the folder you've copied/ [08:39:37 PM]
The Revengel: Giving it a shot as we speak... [08:40:21 PM]
The Revengel: Starting to copy... [08:40:59 PM]
The Revengel: Somewhat of a side question: Why would Pinnacle sell an item - and ship it with software they don't support? [08:41:34 PM]
The Revengel: By the way the copying is currently on Data1.cab. [08:42:20 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Maybe you bought the old stock. [08:42:23 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Okay. [08:42:29 PM]
The Revengel: Error: [08:44:45 PM]
The Revengel: Cannot copy data1: Data error (cyclic redundancy check) [08:45:10 PM]
The Revengel: Next? [08:45:17 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Answer Link:
https://pinnacle.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/pinnacle.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=13122&p_created=1145957845[08:48:50 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Most customers having issues similar to yours were resolved after trying out this FAQ. I suggest you follow the suggestions carefully. Should you need further help, you can reply to the email that this chat session will be automatically sending you so we can continue troubleshooting. [08:49:52 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: By the way a Survey might be sent to your email since our chat system automatically set the ticket status to solved. To maintain accuracy, I suggest you answer the Survey after we are done with troubleshooting or until we resolve your issue. Please don't forget to exit the chat session so that we could attend to other clients. Thank you. [08:50:17 PM]
The Revengel: Ok...since I have no other options...and you have me by the gotchas. [08:50:50 PM]
The Revengel: there is a copy of this chat sent to my e-mail. Yes? [08:51:01 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: For your records, a transcript of this chat session will be e-mailed to you. Feel free to contact us if you require further assistance. [08:51:17 PM]
The Revengel: For the record I'm not satisfied nor do I feel assisted. I feel that your primary job is to get to the next person...NOT to assist me. [08:52:01 PM]
The Revengel: And as someone who manages a call center I can tell. [08:52:16 PM]
The Revengel: Norman gone for the day I take it? [08:52:35 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. I apologize but we do not support that software. [08:54:01 PM]
The Revengel: But my money was fine. Correct? [08:54:15 PM]
The Revengel: If my money was fine to accept, and it was packed with software that you once supported (but no longer support) then I'll make a suggestion: [08:56:01 PM]
The Revengel: Provide me with a copy of the studio software that you *do* support. [08:56:18 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Still I wanted to help you because I do understand your issue and I'm just reminding you our update. I do apologize for that. [08:56:30 PM]
The Revengel: And my suggestion" [08:56:42 PM]
The Revengel: ? [08:56:44 PM]
The Revengel: Checking on my suggestion I assume? [08:59:23 PM]
The Revengel: Or are you still there? [09:02:10 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Yes I'm still here. Is there anything else I can help you with? [09:03:11 PM]
The Revengel: Did you see the suggestion I posted about ten minutes ago? [09:03:25 PM]
The Revengel: Or are you just hopeful that I'll get frustrated and disconnect? [09:04:52 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I do apologize but this chat is for Studio 11 and 12 users only.You may want to login to our FAQ's website or login
http://forums.pinnaclesys.com/forums/default.aspx [09:05:07 PM]
The Revengel: Let me retype my suggestion then: [09:05:23 PM]
The Revengel: My money to purchase this was fine... [09:05:39 PM]
The Revengel: And it shipped with a version of software that you no longer support... [09:05:54 PM]
The Revengel: The suggestion is that you provide me with a copy of Studio that you *do* support...such as Studio 11. [09:06:24 PM]
The Revengel: Whatever the lowest level is - I feel that's at least an attempt at being fair. [09:06:43 PM]
The Revengel: Your reaction? [09:06:47 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Okay I'm sorry Go to www.pcle.com [09:07:38 PM]
The Revengel: And when I go to your home web site..? [09:08:17 PM]
The Revengel: *looking for directions here* [09:09:15 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: You can check there the latest pinnacle products. [09:10:15 PM]
The Revengel: And this is supposed to lead me to...? [09:10:35 PM]
The Revengel: Or was your proposed action something that I have to pay an additional fee for? [09:11:02 PM]
The Revengel: Again, looking for your instruction here. [09:11:15 PM]
The Revengel: Reason: I don't see in your instructions a specific portion of the site where I could be provided with a copy of the studio software that you do support. [09:12:00 PM]
The Revengel: Comming up on the 45 minute mark by the way... [09:12:21 PM]
The Revengel: Um, still there? [09:14:43 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I'm sorry you can check on this
http://pinnacle.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/pinnacle.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=13916&p_created=1158009688 [09:15:42 PM]
The Revengel: And this link is..? [09:16:05 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I'm sorry that is the information about our update that we do support only Studio 11 and 12 but you can email us
http://pinnacle.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/pinnacle.cfg/php/enduser/ask.php?p_sid=SvbtDZkj&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9ODQwLDg0MCZwX3Byb2RzPTAmcF9jYXRzPTAmcF9wdj0mcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX3BhZ2U9MSZwX3NlYXJjaF90ZXh0PWRpc2sgZXJyb3I*&p_srch=1 [09:19:59 PM]
The Revengel: But on my suggestion (which I believed you were actually reponding to...) [09:20:33 PM]
The Revengel: Or do you require that I re-state it? [09:20:47 PM]
The Revengel: By the way...I've been following the links and I've assumed you intended to either help or at least address my suggestion. [09:21:40 PM]
The Revengel: You've sent me: [09:21:45 PM]
The Revengel: to the main website... [09:21:50 PM]
The Revengel: Then to the general answer page... [09:22:09 PM]
The Revengel: and finally a 'submit a question' page. [09:22:25 PM]
The Revengel: Correct? [09:22:33 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Yes. [09:23:29 PM]
The Revengel: And yet you have provided no explination with these links. [09:23:49 PM]
The Revengel: Feel free to scroll through your replies to verify what I just said. [09:24:02 PM]
The Revengel: *stares at the clock* [09:26:13 PM]
The Revengel: *confirms it's been almost an hour* [09:26:23 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: You just send an email from that link and you can receive the update. [09:29:42 PM]
The Revengel: By 'Update' do you mean a patch that will make the software work? [09:30:12 PM]
The Revengel: Or to be more specific - the update to what? [09:31:24 PM]
The Revengel: *clock strikes one hour spent on this chat* [09:31:44 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I'm sorry our updates. [09:32:15 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Regarding on the products updates. [09:32:35 PM]
The Revengel: the last link you sent is actually the "Ask a Question" page. [09:33:42 PM]
The Revengel: I see you are about to respond. I'll wait... [09:34:25 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Yes probably you can receive more updates on our product on that. [09:34:36 PM]
The Revengel: By update do you mean "a patch that will allow the customer to use the Pinnacle item that was purchased in this case" or "a notification that you will not support a customer for a specific set of issues"? [09:35:36 PM]
The Revengel: If neither, please explain what you mean. [09:35:51 PM]
The Revengel: Ah, I see you're about to respond. [09:41:44 PM]
The Revengel: *almost an hour & 15 minutes at this point* [09:42:27 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: The software updates, patches, serial number, but regardless on troubleshooting studio. [09:42:33 PM]
The Revengel: Will I be able to get a patch that will allow me to either: [09:43:07 PM]
The Revengel: A) use the Studio 10 I have in what I paid for [09:43:19 PM]
The Revengel: b) be able to download *at no additional charge* a more current (and supported) version of Studio? [09:43:54 PM]
The Revengel: If so, please send me the instructions so I can make sure I do it correctly (and don't have to tie up the chat line again) [09:44:29 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Yes If you can wait I can check that for you. [09:45:18 PM]
The Revengel: thank you. [09:45:25 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling:
http://apps.pinnaclesys.com/cdb/register/enter.aspx?checkRegistration=1&langue_id=7&supportFileID=33805&productid=2695 [09:47:27 PM]
The Revengel: Ok, so this link will allow me to install the copy of studio 10.5.2 that came with my product...and then ensure that I can run the software on my Windows XP (SP2) laptop? [09:49:21 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. You can use that patch for studio 10 using Windows XP, if still theres a problem you can reply back to the email that you might be able to receive after our chat session. [09:49:31 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: To continue the troubleshooting [09:50:06 PM]
The Revengel: I assume there will be more after 'to continue the troubleshooting' [09:50:40 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Yes I can reply back to your email for further troubleshooting. [09:51:29 PM]
The Revengel: runing it now... [09:51:49 PM]
The Revengel: And we have FAIL. [09:52:00 PM]
The Revengel: I need to be able to install Studio 10 - that was the original issue. [09:52:15 PM]
The Revengel: This patch that you sent a link to is fine with only one major issue [09:52:31 PM]
The Revengel: *scrolls up to my earlier message* [09:52:42 PM]
The Revengel: "Ok, so this link will allow me to install the copy of studio 10.5.2 that came with my product...and then ensure that I can run the software on my Windows XP (SP2) laptop?" [09:52:55 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I have the answer to your question in a FAQ document. I am pushing it on your screen and should launch in a moment. [09:54:01 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Answer Link:
https://pinnacle.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/pinnacle.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=14681&p_created=1168540592[09:54:14 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Most customers having issues similar to yours were resolved after trying out this FAQ. I suggest you follow the suggestions carefully. Should you need further help, you can reply to the email that this chat session will be automatically sending you so we can continue troubleshooting. [09:54:42 PM]
The Revengel: Great! [09:54:56 PM]
The Revengel: Um, but I tried the pixie thing yesterday. [09:55:06 PM]
The Revengel: Running it again just in case... [09:55:28 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Okay please try that again. [09:55:45 PM]
The Revengel: By the way - I am quite sure that *neither* of us wanted to spend this much time on this issue. [09:56:33 PM]
The Revengel: Ok I've run the pixie update... [09:56:50 PM]
The Revengel: And now I'm clicking on Setup... [09:57:04 PM]
The Revengel: Go ahead? [09:57:07 PM]
The Revengel: I'll wait for your response... [09:57:13 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: That's Okay. I do apologize for what I have caused you.Thank you for using Pinnacle chat support.
Have a great day! Please don't forget to exit the chat session. Thank you. [09:58:03 PM]
The Revengel: So you're pulling the rip cord, so to speak? [09:58:24 PM]
The Revengel: By the way, does that e-mail for the chat session have time stamps on it? [09:59:04 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Yes all is recorded there. [09:59:36 PM]
The Revengel: But other than that - since it's 22:00 I'm on my own? [10:00:13 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Yes absolutely. [10:00:51 PM]
The Revengel: Wow. [10:01:01 PM]
The Revengel: Even though the last 15 mintues or so could have been done *AN HOUR AGO???* [10:01:24 PM]
The Revengel: So to review: [10:01:43 PM]
The Revengel: You took the chat session, [10:01:50 PM]
The Revengel: didn't want to help, [10:01:56 PM]
The Revengel: Decided to play the waiting game (look at the average response time) [10:02:14 PM]
The Revengel: Then tried to foist me off on a few links... [10:02:25 PM]
The Revengel: Finally when it got to 10 minutes before your quitting time you: [10:02:41 PM]
The Revengel: 'magically' find a link that could have solved the problem... [10:03:00 PM]
The Revengel: Then tell me I'm on my own without even checking to see if it works. [10:03:14 PM]
The Revengel: Would you say that's a fair accounting of the last 100 minutes? [10:03:28 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I think it will be fine now. [10:03:49 PM]
The Revengel: *looks at the long chat for reference* [10:03:51 PM]
The Revengel: How's about this: [10:04:02 PM]
The Revengel: Let's check and be sure I'm ok first. [10:04:12 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Okay sure. [10:04:23 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I do apologize for what I've caused you, because regarding on troubleshooting for studio 10 we are not that really trained to support that studio only for minor issues. [10:05:41 PM]
The Revengel: Had it been you on the other line...would you be as patient as I? [10:06:17 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: Okay I will wait [10:06:48 PM]
Ernesto Boongaling: I do apologize, you need to re-start the computer if the installation is successful. [10:11:38 PM]
The Revengel: If the installation is successful I'll be happy to restart. I also understand that the chat session will end before that. [10:12:20 PM]
The Revengel: FAIL: [10:12:50 PM]
The Revengel: Pixie Registration. [10:13:03 PM]
The Revengel: File E:\Setup..\Pixie5\RegisterTrial\Register-CHS.html [10:13:34 PM]
The Revengel: Error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check) [10:13:48 PM]
The Revengel: Optical drive is fine by the way; no scratches on the disk. [10:14:01 PM]
The Revengel: I've clicked 'OK' and the setup closed. [10:14:34 PM]
The Revengel: I see you are about to respond... [10:15:52 PM]
Hi, my name is Ernesto Boongaling. How may I help you? [08:32:39 PM]
The Revengel: Welcome. [10:20:26 PM]
The Revengel: Feel free to take your time catching up on what's gone on before... [10:20:42 PM]
Alvin Villarias:
Hi, how may I help you? [10:21:04 PM]
The Revengel: I see Ernesto was going to respond. You may want to check with him for a general synopsis. [10:21:34 PM]
The Revengel: *points to rest of chat* [10:23:34 PM]
The Revengel: Hmmm...seems like for what ever reason (granted I can guess) Ernesto has chosen to 'Bail' as it were. [10:25:18 PM]
The Revengel: So...Alvin...you still there? [10:25:30 PM]
Hi, my name is Alvin Villarias. How may I help you? [10:20:07 PM]
'Ernesto Boongaling' is currently 'Absent'. Approximately 120 seconds until disconnect. [10:24:42 PM]
'Ernesto Boongaling' is currently 'Disconnected'. [10:26:42 PM]
'Ernesto Boongaling' disconnected ('Dequeued by Rule'). [10:26:42 PM]
Hi, my name is Norman Aquilato. How may I help you? [10:26:58 PM]
The Revengel: Wow. [10:27:08 PM]
The Revengel: And now we're full circle. [10:27:13 PM]
The Revengel: Do you have access to any of the following: [10:27:22 PM]
The Revengel: The rest of this chat (that's about 2 hours long) [10:27:34 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Let me check. [02:27:00 PM]
The Revengel: Alvin Vllarias? [10:27:44 PM]
The Revengel: Ernesto Boongaling? [10:28:04 PM]
The Revengel: Here's the short version: [10:28:30 PM]
The Revengel: Safe Mode din't work. I logged back into chat at 20:30 (like I indicated I would to you at about 20:10) [10:28:59 PM]
The Revengel: Ernesto...well let me cut & paste my summary... [10:29:16 PM]
Norman Aquilato: NO. [02:28:47 PM]
Norman Aquilato: You dont have to. [02:28:53 PM]
The Revengel: Are you sure? I only have to scroll up... [10:29:52 PM]
Norman Aquilato: me only. [02:29:25 PM]
The Revengel: So, you don't need me to catch you up on just what has happened so far? [10:30:46 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Yes please let me finish reading it. [02:30:31 PM]
The Revengel: Feel free... [10:31:22 PM]
Norman Aquilato: OKay, so they let you copy the disc. [02:34:57 PM]
Norman Aquilato: And you got CRC error. [02:35:11 PM]
The Revengel: Correct. Attempted copy failed. [10:36:02 PM]
The Revengel: Y'know...the last thing the Ernesto tried may have worked with an additonal twist (or something) but he didn't suggest it for well over an hour. [10:37:39 PM]
Norman Aquilato: What i thing happens here why you just go back and back the circle is you already try to install the studio 10 and an error fronted that's why every time you try to install it, it produces error. [02:37:04 PM]
Norman Aquilato: What is it? [02:37:30 PM]
The Revengel: By the way...can you re-type or translate your previous reply? Back the circle? I'm a tad confused there... [10:38:41 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Why every time you install it you got problem. [02:38:40 PM]
The Revengel: And I fix it how..? Safe mode did not work by the way... [10:39:41 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Yes i know. [02:39:18 PM]
Norman Aquilato: How about a fresh installation? [02:39:28 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Like you've never install studio on your computer. [02:39:48 PM]
The Revengel: Ok...but Studio 10 does not show up on the Add/Delete programs list and the 'uninstal' icon on the disk is just a jpeg. [10:40:58 PM]
The Revengel: suggestions? [10:41:02 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Every time you install it will be included on the registry. [02:41:06 PM]
The Revengel: Ok...following you... [10:42:00 PM]
Norman Aquilato: So if you will delete the item on the registry it will be treated a fresh installation. [02:41:36 PM]
The Revengel: So...my computer --> Control panel then? [10:42:41 PM]
Norman Aquilato:
http://www.pinnaclesys.com/PublicSite/us/Products/Consumer+Products/Home+Video/Studio+Family/Studio+Plus+11+Support/Download+Area/Tools/RegDelete+11.htm?mode=documents&Display=1here run that then select all product. [02:42:15 PM]
The Revengel: Ok! [10:44:18 PM]
The Revengel: Now try a fresh instal or should I run the pixie updater first? [10:44:34 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Fresh install. [02:44:13 PM]
The Revengel: Ok...giving it a shot... [10:45:17 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Okay. [02:44:46 PM]
Norman Aquilato: ONce you are finish try to delete any folder of pinnacle. [02:45:09 PM]
The Revengel: The instal shield isn't even getting to the first point of installation. [10:47:40 PM]
The Revengel: Holdon... [10:47:44 PM]
The Revengel: Error: [10:47:54 PM]
The Revengel: >setupDLL\setupDL.cpp(221) [10:48:17 PM]
The Revengel: pAPP:Studio 10 QuickStart [10:48:34 PM]
The Revengel: PVENDOR:Pinnacle Systems [10:48:42 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Did you run the regdelete? [02:48:15 PM]
The Revengel: PGUID:3CB05291--- [10:49:00 PM]
The Revengel: Yes, I ran the link you provided - selected all products (the default) and selected 'clean'. [10:49:23 PM]
The Revengel: I'll try it again... [10:49:32 PM]
Norman Aquilato: after that you need to restart first for it to clear all of them. then run the installation. [02:49:15 PM]
The Revengel: Ok... [10:50:02 PM]
The Revengel: I'll do that. I assume this will all be included in the chat/e-mail? [10:50:17 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Yes. [02:49:54 PM]
The Revengel: I understand that to do that I have to end the session...and therefore won't be able to get you (or anyone) for support until tomorrow... [10:50:45 PM]
The Revengel: Which makes me uneasy...but then again we're talking about 2 1/2 hours of my time at this point. [10:51:05 PM]
The Revengel: That would be just on this chat...not the evening spent on this. [10:51:18 PM]
Norman Aquilato: I do under stand that and im very thankfull that you still want to follow my instruction. [02:51:05 PM]
The Revengel: Ok. [10:51:55 PM]
The Revengel: ...I'll try what you suggest (nothing else has worked so this can't hurt the situation) and I'll reply to the e-mail with the results. [10:52:26 PM]
The Revengel: Sound fair? [10:52:29 PM]
The Revengel: *headdesk* [10:52:37 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Okay. [02:52:11 PM]
The Revengel: *gets out prayer beads* [10:53:01 PM]
The Revengel: Ok. [10:53:02 PM]
The Revengel: Take care and have a safe evening Norman. [10:53:10 PM]
Norman Aquilato: Same to you. [02:52:39 PM]
The Revengel: Hanging up... [10:53:24 PM]
'The Revengel' disconnected ('Concluded by End-user'). [10:53:27 PM]
And after all that it STILL doesn't work.
And this is going into my signature on a couple forums. Feel free to link it.