† 16 †

Aug 19, 2007 13:26

So, the objects and animals from that curse day seem to be mostly gone. Almost a shame, but it was a bit much. Something which I believe is called a piano smashed into my wall, but there is no trace of it left - the wall is all intact, too. Sadly, I didn't get to keep a kitten or other pet.

If that money is going to be used like back home, I'll have to find a way to earn my keep. ... I'll have to think upon that. Please, Gods, don't let it come to that.

Furthermore, I have come to the conclusion that training by myself isn't doing much for my improval. So, if anyone would declare themselves ready to help me train on a regular basis, I would be very glad!

(OOC: Strikeout = thoughts. By "that", she is referring to prostitution. >>; She would probably do it if left no other choice, but is not particularly fond of the thought.

Also, Cori-mun~? ... What are your thoughts on yaoi apping Manji? >_>;)
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