Long live metal!

Nov 28, 2006 17:48

That was a fucking AWESOME show last night. I had a blast, and I think everyone else did too, for the most part. The two Mormons had fun, and Bri and I couldn't get enough of the death metal. Poor Burton Bell. His voice kept cracking. I guess because this tour's been going for a while. But Fear Factory still did a badass-as-fuckin-shit set, and now that I've seen them play, I'm one step closer to being able to die happy. I officially saw the biggest, craziest circle pit I've seen in my life. Holy crap. Brandon shocked the hell out of me by actually getting in the pit and going nuts. Did not see that coming. Heh. He got beat in the face a couple times but he's alright. Got more balls than I do, at any rate. I already learned the hard way to stay outta the pit... if I could somehow erase that memory from my brain, then I would totally get in there. Besides, I spent most of my time headbanging like hell (and not missing a beat), and *trying* to protect Bri. I think I did a good job, but a couple assholes did manage to get past me. It always comes from an angle you're not expecting, when you least expect it. I was kinda "working security" since we were right on the edge of the pit, and a mosher got past the guy next to me and slammed her... then later on, she got kicked in the eye by some stupid crowd surfing ho. I grabbed that bitch by the ass and chucked her over the crowd with all my strength. Haha, she flew. Whee. Ah well. I tried. All of us except Brandon had to work this morning. Talk about being dead on our feet. I feel really bad for Bri because she got the least amount of sleep out of all of us... once we got back to Springfield around 5 or 6am, she had to drive back to Marshfield, then be at work by 9. Poor thing. :(
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