Mar 08, 2008 21:03
Hey dudes, I just found out that I got into the Graphic Design program at George Brown.
Wheeeee, they want me!
I'm pleased about this because the process to get in was slightly challenging. I put together a 13-piece portfolio, completed an additional special assignment (designing a fake magazine ad), and put together a "sketchbook". The sketchbook part was kind of, uh, for lack of a better word, sketchy. I ended up photocopying about 20 sketches I'd done mostly in HIGH SCHOOL (they were kind of supposed to be semi-current... whoops?). At the portfolio session, I saw people dropping off WHOLE SKETCHBOOKS (as in, 100+ page monsters) and thought that I was screwed because of that lacking component. The lady at the session clearly said "You won't get in without a sketchbook!!"
But alas, I'm in, and in a much shorter time than I had expected. They said we'd find out in about 2-3 weeks, and this isn't even 2 weeks after I handed in my portfolio. I await my letter in the mail to see if they want to give me lots and lots of nice scholarship money. That would be sweet, since paying for college myself will probably make me broke (seeing as I am spending a crapload of money to go away to Europe this summer).
Sooper sekrit: I really wanted to apply to an art school/art program out of high school, but always thought that they'd just reject me and laugh over my ridiculously inadequate application. Well, I showed YOU, 17 year old doubting self. pwned. (On the other hand, I'm kind of glad I didn't do this sort of thing out of high school, for various reasons. So, not so pwned?)
Also, on a completely unrelated note, tonight is even better because Obama won Wyoming, and actually likely got Texas earlier this week as well because of the caucus. Yesssssss.