Sci-Fi/Fantasy Big Bang '12: The Witches of Salem

Aug 27, 2012 11:06

Title: The Witches of Salem
Story By: revenant_scribe

Genre: Slash | Alternate-Universe | Film Adaptation
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-14
Status: Complete | Word Count: 22,190
Written for HC_Bingo Prompt: accidents
Warnings: Violence, cracky-plot treated with (almost) absolute sobriety. This fic also features woeful and remorseless abuse of a Disney film, spell casting, animal-transformation, witches, original characters, magic, no historical credibility (whatsoever), abuse of Salem (but only because Disney started it), sexuality, zombies, idiocy and poor decision-making, bad language, a pinch of humor, a dash of dark themes, and a happy ending (as only bastardized Disney can deliver).
A/N: This fic was inspired by the film Hocus Pocus, and subsequently has little to do with canon, though surprisingly it is not entirely AU. Sam and Dean are not brothers, but this is certainly slash. There was no effort made to sustain historical credibility with this fic, meaning, essentially, I have witches from the 17th century using 'hello' as a greeting, and other such things that are entirely inaccurate.

Summary: There's a legend in Salem, of three sisters accused and hung for the crime of witchcraft, but not before they had killed several of the local children and placed another under a terrible curse. It is said that on Hallowe'en night, when the moon is full, the witches will rise again when a virgin lights the Black Flame Candle.

A little over three hundred years later, Sam Winchester is passing through town trying out his newly awarded independence on what he suspects will be a simple salt-and-burn; why can’t things ever go like he plans?

It's just a bunch of Hocus Pocus ... right?

.pdf // AO3

Special Thanks to...
so_out_of_ideas for checking-in pretty much daily as I tackled the rough draft of this fic and angsted over a fandom that she has zero interest in. evian_fork for giving it a read-through when it was in its roughest state. walking_tornado for helping me wrangle it into a more solid story with comments and side-notes that almost always made me laugh. The mods of scifibigbang for being awesome and running this community, and being so quick to help out and respond to their participants. Thanks as well to yelynx who made a banner for me, which is awesome!!

fic: witches of salem, category: big bang, character: dean, category: h/c bingo, character: original(s), category: slash, category: fanfic masterlist(s), pairing: sam/dean, character: sam

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