Update News for TOS

Aug 02, 2007 11:56

[music| 'I Need Some Sleep', Eels]

Okay, there have been a few questions regarding when 'The Other Son' is going to be updated and I thought I'd try to give a more specific answer here. I had aimed (am still aiming) to have chapter 17 up today (thursday) however this chapter has been nothing but a struggle for me, I've been pulling my hair out over characters being in character, and of keeping the plot moving when all they seem to want to do is chill (which is what I'm letting them do for now...) and John Winchester is (surprise surprise) once again trying to salt and burn my muse (the bastard) and is stalling things.

What does this mean, you ask? It means that things are not moving along as I had anticipated. I am at a word count of 3415 at the moment, and each chapter is usually around 5,000. I have two hours before I have to go to work, so here it is. If the chapter is not up by 2:00 EST then it most likely will be posted tomorrow morning when I have a chance to finish it. And I hope whenever it gets posted, that you all enjoy it because although there's no real action in this chapter, it was a helluva thing to write. This is the first time that Dean was actually giving me some troubles!! Anyway, I'm going to go write more of it now.


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