Worst Part of Summer

Jun 12, 2012 12:16

It is summer; therefore, ants. Omfg, so many ants.

The antsplosion kicked off last week when the little monsters found a pinhole in the bottom of the cat food bag and feasted mightily. I had an air-tight storage container for cat food, but I bought it waaaay back when Xerxes was just a tiny kitten and ate food that came in tiny kitten food bags, and so when we buy large bags of food, not all of it would fit. Up until this summer, amazingly, that hasn't been a problem, but I guess I always knew the food left in the bag was vulnerable. So, fine. It was frustrating that they got into that food, and I was not at all pleased with the RIVER OF ANTS in the kitchen, but we tossed the bag and I did some furious sweeping and no real harm was done.


Jameson opened the cat food bin last night to feed the mewing horde, and got bitten like three times while he stared in startled horror at the teeming mass of ants within. Auuuugh!

The good news is that the new storage bin is big enough to accommodate a large-sized bag of cat food.

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