I've been going through old photos to help put together displays for our new dojang (by the way, I've updated
the site a bit more, for those who want to see what we're up to), and I found a few pictures that I thought you all might enjoy. First, a nice shot of my eyebrow after my famous board-to-head injury at age 15, taken the day after (which will not be going on display anywhere near the dojang, but which I think is cool):
And here's me breaking two boards with a sidekick at my first black belt test (I think I was 16?):
And a brick at my test for second dan (...I have lost all track of time. 18? I'm pretty sure I took the pre-test when I was still in high school, because I remember hauling the brick to class):
Somewhere, there's a picture of me breaking a brick at my pre-test for second degree where you can see my hand actually passing through the brick, but I haven't found it yet. Maybe it'll turn up as I keep looking.