Sep 16, 2006 16:08
I have Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease. What that means, most of the time, is that there are some foods I can't eat very much of, and that I have to be careful about what I do right after a meal, and I have to sleep on an incline (I use a big wedge-shaped pillow. It looks weird, but it's actually quite comfy), or I get bad, chronic heartburn. It's not really a big deal, on the whole - I don't even like raw tomatoes, or most of the other foods that trigger my reflux, so abstaining from them isn't a hardship.
GERD also means, though, that if I start coughing because of an ordinary dry mouth or throat tickle or something, there's a reasonably high chance I'll end up vomiting by the end of it.
Guess what happened this morning, right after I woke up?
Man, it was a really crazy coughing fit, too. I could hardly breathe for about twenty minutes, which I got to spend standing half-crouched over a toilet, waiting for the inevitable. And to cap it all off, I lost my voice.
Teaching my martial arts class was kind've a challenge. Thank goodness all of my assistants are so competent, and that they all showed up for the early class today!