Feeds Now Available

Mar 28, 2008 21:41

I get frustrated by friends who have sites they update frequently which don't have feeds. I don't want to miss out just because I've consolidated my daily reading to either Google Reader or LJ Friends. Annnnd, I figured it was time I take myself out of that same category for my LJ friends:

www.ravery.com is syndicated at http://syndicated.livejournal.com/raverydotcom/. That's a feed of the most recent picture and entry from my HiptopNation blog. You can add it to your friends by clicking here.

www.revelgrove.com is syndicated at http://syndicated.livejournal.com/revelgrovedtcom/. It's a feed of the posts on Maryland Renfest Withdrawal Syndrome. You can add it to your friends by clicking here. Note that although you can post comments here on LJ, there may already be comments on the parent thread back at revelgrove.com. It makes my life easier if you comment over there. But I'm good either way.

And what I've been working on is pretty easy to follow, too. I didn't have anything to do with syndicating it. ;) Most of my stuff starts off with T-Shirts or Other Apparel. You can add it to your friends by clicking here.

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