(no subject)

Jul 10, 2007 15:10

I heard a commercial today touting Don Pablo's mexican fare and how it's really "An Extreme Mexican Experience".

Well I ate there about 12 days ago and had an extreme mexican experience myself.

It's called food poisoning.

I ate my meal about 7:30-8pm. I was vomiting violently at midnight and my intestines emptied out the back door starting at 4am. I threw up every 15 minutes all night until around 9am. It's no fun sitting on the toilet whilst simultaneously dry heaving saliva into a bowl in my lap. I pulled so many muscles in my back...

I had chills, shaking, the works. I was unable to eat solid food for approximately 24 hours after that.

Fuck you Don Pablo and your improperly prepared foods.

Fuck you with a Garden Weasel.
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