my night. HA

Nov 14, 2005 22:03

I have a new couch. It's one from my parent's house so it's in fantastic condition and a great couch. I picked it up tonight with help from my Dad.

My mom thought I wouldn't take ALL of the stuff with it because some of them are "accent pieces" and she didn't think i'd want something in my appartment called an "accent piece". hahahaha So she said, "Hey Ben, be sure to get all the... um... pillows... cushions, you know... everything." My dad chimes in, "Yeah Ben, be sure to get the frilly ACCENT PIECES!!"

Mom: TOM!!

Dad: Yes honey?

Mom: Don't call them accent pieces or he won't want them.

Dad: What? Why? They're just pillows, he likes pillows.

Me: I'm right here guys, maybe you should s-p-e-l-l stuff like when I was 3. I'll take all the stuff together since it matches and girls like that.

Dad: See Colleen? Girls like it, so it's okay to have accent pieces. Besides, he's got closet space to store them if he wants.

Mom: Which girls like them?

Me and Dad: What?

Mom: Which girls liked the acecnt pieces?

Me: What are you talking about? How can any girls have ALREADY liked them? I don't even really HAVE them yet?

Dad: He's got a point Colleen. He needs to get the furniture there first.

Mom: So are you dating anyone now?

Me: Wha? No, but i'm still taking the accent pieces okay?

Mom: Of course, girls will want to come back if your place looks nice.

Me: Yeah, that's my plan. Reel them in with promises of matching pillows. HA.

Dad: HAHA. We have to go, this could go on all night.

Thanksgiving should be fun this year. :-) My Uncle will be coming and my little sister (who might bring her new boyfriend too). How I love to NOT be the one in the spotlight!

So, if anyone has a thing for accent pieces, I have a couch you will die for. AHAHA.
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