Oct 31, 2005 17:39
Another fantastic sunset on the roof today. I wanted the extra hour this weekend but now I have to rush home sometimes or I will miss my sunset since it's so early. I missed all the sunrises this weekend since I went to Kent sat and such. Hopefully I will be able to catch one this weekend. Now, don't get me wrong, I am NOT a morning person at all, but the transitions between day and night are so beautiful I almost feel guilty missing them. So calming and serene... a stark contrast to the way things have bene moving in my life lately. Not necessarily in my whole life, just work. Work obviously isn't improving. I had a dentist appointment recently due to some sharp pains above my molars and frequent bad headaches. The dentist said my teeth are fine, except that I have apparently started grinding them like (dentist quote here), "like i was making copies of a key". He said the headaches were a combiantion of the teeth grinding and general tension. He said I should try to relax a little more often. So, after I laughed at that inside joke (hehehe i'm sure that would help a bit) and informed him of the job thing and how I'm rarely the stressed out kind of guy.
My doctor is sending me to see an allergist this weekend. I may be developing an allergy to the mice. I hope not. Seriously, in most jobs they would say, wow, okay well then we'll have you do something else and Mike will take over the mouse work. Instead they say, "Well you should plan ahead before you go up so you have to spend as little time up there as posible." hahha yeah fuck that. Oh and as an added bonus I was mixing up some more acid solutions today (even though I didn't use them all up and never use them AT ALL) and a single drop somehow got on my glove while I was not paying close enough attention. It burned through the glove and onto my skin on my hand. Small burn, but still... fuck that. I shouldn't have even been doing that in the first place. ahem. we're done with that. So, yeah. My DENTIST even said I should probably think about switching jobs. He said from listening about it for 2 min that he could tell it was more trouble than it was worth. I thanked him. He said if I had any dental tech experience he would at least give me an interview. LOL.
I'm not doing anything tonight other than 4 loads of laundry, dishes, reading, writing, and some movie watching. I finally got Eyes Wide Shut (love that movie) so I may watch that over, and over, and over, and over... lol. I also have some Troma vampire flicks. Troma as in the same company that does the Toxic Avenger. lolz.
Other than work, life is pretty good. I'm making new friends, going new places, trying new things. All-in-all I think I'm ahead of the game. I finally have the place that I want, and I really can't believe how much the view means to me now. I can sit for long blocks of time and look out the window at everything. I've got a gym, indoor parking, and the company has a good sense of humor (more about trick or treats another day). Money-wise things are better these days. I still have lots bills and such with the new car payment, but at all things considered I'm way better off than like 4 or 5 years ago. Considering that my monthly rental payment went up a good bit AND i took on a car payment (my old baby was paid off... but used up. LOL) and I'm still a little more comfortable than before. That's the only upswing to the job. BUT sales will pay just as much though so... :-D
Socially I'm happier than a year ago as well. I'm not seeing anyone, but I'm not looking for someone either. I'm just chillin' out. :-) Tell you what though, if I lived in Kent I'd be calling someone tonight though. ;-) I met a girl up in Kent who seemed pretty cool. She was dressed as Tom Cruise from Risky Business. mmm hmm. before you even ask YES, she was in a button down, tight-whities, and socks (over some small flip flops). And yeah, she would have been cute without the button down and with pants. LOL. But anyone who knows me knows I have certain weaknesses... hahaha. I talked to her for like 5 minutes while waiting to get served at the bar and she invites me back to her table with 2 other female Tom Cruises from Risky Business. I think my head almost exploded. LOL. We ended up merging groups of friends together and hanging out all night. Anyhow, so socially things are fun and not stressful at all.
oh man i've been writing novels up in here. Props to anyone still with me. I'm not sure I would even make it through if I read it again. :-) YAY. Chimichangas are ready!
good game kids.
hit the showers.