Oct 21, 2005 19:32
Okay so when I fired off about my job earlier this week I was very serious. It wasn't so much a single thing, but the fact that it's been bad for so long, and it's not getting any better after 30 weeks. I think, in a way, I may dislike it even more intensely now. The only good thing was that today, Mike apologized (kinda, sigh...) for flipping out so harshly and with such frequency when it was really unecessary. Later I got word that it was actually Dr. Perlmutter (aka Supreme Creator of the Whole Friggin' Universe according to Mike) who told Mike he should really loosen up and take it easier on me. He said something to the tune of, "...well i'm sure that he will perform better if he were under a little less pressure." "Him being on eggshells all the time really won't help things." and apparently something about "Let's maybe give him a list of tasks for each day, and we will simply make a note by each task if something goes wrong." Okay so that's what I asked them to do 7 fucking months ago but nobody could be bothered to help me THAT much. Much better to keep doing their own shit and only train me on something when it comes up in their project... when it's convenient for THEM. So, anyhow I felt a lot better... well validated at least when I heard that. Chris also told me to "Hang in there, I think Pam (she's the lab manager) and I might subtly try to calm him down a little in the coming days. He really wasn't like this before you got here. We're not sure why he is so hard on you." I felt better when I heard that too. At least i'm not alone in this and other people understand a bit of what's going on. Chris also said that if it didn't improve by around Christmas time then she knows that neither her nor Pam would ever hold it against me if I quit.
So there it is. Other people, dedicated people who have been working in the lab for many years have expressed understanding at my frustration and AGREE that it is to the point when, considering quality of life, it would be easiest to just move on. That says to me, if they were in my position, they would probably be considering quitting as well. I draw strength from that, from knowing that despite the way i've been made to feel for the past 30 weeks... it's not all my fault. I am not a moron, I am not incompetent, I am just in a bad situation. Now that I have an exit plan (finding a new job) and people backing me up, I feel strongly that my work situation can do nothing but improve... either at Children's Hospital or somewhere else. I'm not too worried about money since I always have a job within like 5 days at Chang's and I walk out with cash the same day. Plus I have a decent bit of PTO time that I will get paid for when I leave. I almost want to leave just to cash them in. LOL Oh, and i'll have that last paycheck coming after I quit too since I had to wait to get the first one... so yeah, i'll be okay money wise as long as the new job will pay enough, but i won't take anything other than Chang's that doesn't... and if I don't... well I can become a server at Chang's and take my nursing classes while I work there. That's the other thing. I only need to fill in about a year or a year and a half until I'm a nurse and there is a fucking million nursing jobs in this bitch. hmm. it appears the wine is kicking in. :-D hahahaa well anyhow, i've got pretty much all of my bases covered so now that's done with, i'm cool. I was just ready for some skull cracking action for a while there.
Now, it's just a matter of time, but I have renewed patience now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Oh, and I'm going to be Captain Morgan for Halloween, and I will draw the moustache/goatee on anyone who I find passed out. Yes, of course the Captain was here. hahahahaa Halloween will be spent in Kent and or Athens... near OSU. Should I bring bail money? :-D
PS - okay I'm like happy wine drunk, not Mr Green-Yucky-Pukey face guy.