Words were not spoken for you
No grave marks my love for you
Broken, my heart calls for you
No-one can blame them but you
How in the world can I ever smile again?
How in the world can I live without you?
Private (Readable to Alessa alone)*Warded**Cursed** )
....But you have a difficult choice, now; Succumb to your own self-loathing, or rise above it and be worthy to see your child again
... self-loathing doesn't beging to describe the way I feel.
I'm sorry...
But....WhhhHy RaN? WhY DiD yOu CoNfRoNt HiM?
WhAt CoUlD YoU hAvE HoPeD To AcCoMpLiSh
((OOC: Hurts to sit up, still, but I'll keep replying as long as I can <=( ))
[ooc: <3 good to see you online.]
RaGe, and BetRayaL.....too much mortality, for too long.
I want to hold you, lose myself in you.
Watch as you slit his throat...so many emotions...
...What will you do now.
WiLl yOu TrY tO rUn, oR wIlL YoU HaVe ThE StReNgTh To BrEaK YoUr OwN CyClE oF gUiLt?
Will you accept that you tied yourself to me, or will you fall back into the hollow existence you hated, simply because it is familiar?
It's still so fresh...
.... do you... would you want to know where I buried her?
You will do as you wish, as always. .....Just know that even through the pain, I love you.
I will not stop loving you, no matter how much you may hate yourself.
I know where she is. Just because all of you have not seen me, does not mean I am not here.
I regained myself at her death.
Perhaps I am sentimental, but I have yet to let a child of mine die.
I do not care if it is selfish. We will have her back
What more do you have to say to us?
As far as I'm concerned, Ran, you are no longer one of the Marked. You are dead to me.
Leave him alone. You've taken too much of my god with you, and good riddance.
I won't be talking to you again after this.
((ooc; Just to help make things easier? ♥ ))
No matter what's happened, I'm still bonded to him, still Marked, and still his consort.
You come to me in my grief and dare to tell me I'm dead to you?
How fucking dare you.
I'm still the woman that sat at your door and fucking read to you, remember? I did that because I cared, and not just about him. You were family to me.
[ooc: Weeeell, they were gonna get back together.... >>;]
AlEsSa, YoUr AnGeR iS UnDeRsTaNdAbLe aNd QuItE AtTrAcTiVe BuT PrEsEnTlY, UnConStRuCtIvE.
RaN, YoU ArE NoT ThE OnLy oNe Of uS, GrIeViNg. AlEsSa TuRnS mOsT EmOtIoN InTo AnGer. It iS hEr nAtUrE.
I WiLl SpEaK To yOu bOtH oN thIs mAtTeR in PeRsOn.
I'm trying to muddle through my days looking happy like nothing's happened and it's starting to wear on my nerves and no one seems to give a damn.
I aM HeArTiLy TiReD Of BeInG TuRnED iNtO tHe MEdiAtOr!
No, ThErE iS nO ExCuSe, AND nO ExPlAnAtIoN GoOD EnOuGh tO SaLvE ThE pAiN.
YoUR GrIeF iS yOuR oWn, YeT YOu ConDemN mE fOr mInE, AnD ConSiStEnTlY DeMaND VaLiDaTiOn FoR YOUrSeLf AnD FoR ThE LoVe I hAvE FoR YOU!
I Am rEtUrNeD To PoWeR At tHE ExAcT TimE My ChiLd DieS. I SecLuDe MySelF OuT oF CaRe FoR thE rEsT oF YoU So I Do nOt Do SomEthInG iN mY AngEr ThAt I WOuLd CoME tO RegReT, BuT ThiS iS SomEhOw AbAndOnInG YoU As WeLl?!
I do NOT condemn anyone for it.
......... I would rather have had you come after me in your anger. At least you'd be here.
I'm done.
I've been told I'm not enough for the family.
ThIs Is My HoUsE, AnD mY WoRd iS lAw.
YoU WiLl AlWaYs Be A pArT Of Us, LiKe iT oR No.
YoU wIlL AlWaYs Be MinE
((OOC: Pissy!Xulchy's way of saying 'I love you, and because I am having a tantrum I'm yelling you to stay'))
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