Oct 04, 2003 01:03
today I rose my hand while taking a test, b/c it says the tell me what the "Mcarthy Hearings" are, so not to be dick i raise my hand and ask if i can change it to whats right, the HuAC hearings, instead of just telling what the real hearings of Mcarthy are. And then she comes to me with what i gave her, so she could have, without reading it, says that mcarthy is mentioned, and i said the thing with hollywood happend in 1947, Mcarthy was in the early 50's, and shew argued , and i pointed out the part of Martin dies, the dates and it saying that he borrowed the same tactics for the senate investigation. Sg=he gets upseet, because she is wrong and says here, and i said i printed it up so you could have it, and she said pridefully i have enough information on this stuff, and got upset and pouted like a little girl.
Also while taking the test i didn't understand the directions, so i asked her if what i had was what she wanted, and she said something about it being way b4 the trials and i siad it was when he was trying to show abigail as a liar during the trial when he confessed(which was written on my paper) and then she was like o yeah your right.(this happens way to often i don't know how she became a teacher let alone the head of the english department, without teaching at the highschool once). she knows as much as you would expect out of a slow 7th grader.
If you know her leave what you think of her as a comment