Fic: Blink of an Eye - Prologue

Nov 27, 2016 10:26

Title: Blink of an Eye
Artist: aragarna
Author: reve_silencieux
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Neal, Peter, James, Elizabeth, Mozzie, Jones, June, Sara, Neal/Sara
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,489
Beta: sherylyn
Summary: In the blink of an eye, life can change, and all your plans crumble to pieces. An alternate beginning to S5 after Peter is arrested, but Neal saves the day-which is not without major consequences that everyone will have to learn how to deal with.
Author's Note: Written for White Collar Big Bang 2016.

“No,” Peter ground out, yanking his arm from Neal’s grip and glaring at the younger man.

Neal skidded to a stop and shook his head. He wasn’t surprised by Peter’s reaction, given the man’s unfailing belief in the justice system, though he’d hoped his sense of preservation would win out just this once.

It was bad enough that Peter had been moments away from a career-ending indictment, but they’d just barely escaped from several men ready to take Peter’s life in a hail of gunfire. Neal had taken advantage of the confusion in the courtroom to grab Peter and run.

Now, he quickly glanced back to where they’d come, making sure there wasn’t anyone following. Someone would undoubtedly find them any minute now.

“This is not how I want to do it, Neal.”

“Well, unless you want to do it dead, I’d suggest you come with me, Peter,” Neal argued, nervously looking over his shoulder and then to the nearest exit. He could hear the footsteps running on the marble floors of the courthouse. He tugged on Peter’s arm and tried to get the man moving, but Peter was having none of it.

“What?!” Peter's eyes widened and he instinctively went for his gun, only seconds later remembering he didn’t have it anymore.

Neal waved a hand back towards the main hall. “James wants you dead. That distraction back there was meant for you. They would have gotten to you if Mozzie hadn’t gotten word from the street that there was a hit out for you. We have to go, now.”

Peter reluctantly followed when Neal grabbed his arm one more time. Their pace quickened when the footsteps got louder. “Why didn’t you tell Jones and Diana? They would have done something.”

“I did.”

Neal could hear their voices. He started to run, pulling Peter down a smaller corridor and ducking past an Employees Only sign that took them to the back of the court house. “They couldn’t do anything. Security was alerted, but their hands were tied. Callaway didn’t believe me anyway.”

There were a few choice words muttered by Peter as they ran down another corridor full of offices. “I knew I couldn’t trust her.”

“Yeah, well, we’re working on that,” Neal replied tersely. “Hughes has been digging up everything he can on her and borrowing all the favors he can to help you out.”

Neal slowed down and peered around a corner, putting a hand on Peter’s chest, stopping him in his tracks. The sound of their heavy breathing filled the air, but thankfully the hallway was clear of any court employees or security at the moment.

They crept silently, making their way to the exit at the far end of the hallway-a stairwell that would get them to the maintenance area and the loading docks where Mozzie would be waiting. Each office they passed, Neal held his breath, hoping no one would pop out and try to play the hero. Opening the door to the stairwell as quietly as he could, Neal listened for any indication of security and FBI sweeping through.

There was none.

Waving Peter on, Neal cast one last glance around before following him and closing the door quietly behind him. The click of the door’s latch bounced loudly against the concrete walls of the empty stairwell, but Neal knew it couldn't be helped. They hurried down the two flights of stairs and were steps away from the exit when a door banged open above them. Sharing a panicked look, they raced out and Neal led the way through the maintenance corridors. Heavy footsteps thundering in the distance spurred them on and Neal wordlessly pointed to the door that was their goal, the building's loading dock.

Seconds after bursting through the door, Neal heard the unmistakable click of a gun cocking. His eyes immediately took in their surroundings, an otherwise empty loading dock with no security guards or FBI agents in sight. Spinning around, he spotted James holding a gun to Peter's head. His hands balled into fists when he saw Peter's stony expression and glanced over to his father. James was staring at him, a determined look on his face. Neal raised his hands, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath and slow his rapidly beating heart.

“Don't do this,” he begged.

James shook his head in disgust. “Nice to see you too, son. I see you didn't take my advice.” He nudged Peter forward, out towards the middle of the loading dock. Neal turned, following them with his eyes.

“Maybe I wanted to be a better man than you. I'm brave enough to accept the consequences of my own actions. But I won't let Peter be the one to take the fall for yours.”

James chuckled. “Nice speech, but it's not going to change my mind or the outcome here. Thanks, by the way, for being so predictable. I'd hoped you bring him here. Makes my life so much easier.”

Peter clenched his jaw and his body tensed. He brought his shoulders up, coiled and ready to strike, but otherwise kept still. Their eyes met, and Peter gave him an imperceptible nod. It wasn’t over yet, and more importantly, Peter wasn’t blaming him.

Neal glanced away and stared down his father. His eyes flashed with anger, but he schooled his face carefully, belying the depth of emotion churning through him. “Why?”

“Whether they believe him or not, Burke is the only other person who was there, and I can't wait around, hoping that they'll give up on proving it was me.”

“This won't help your case, James,” Neal's voice turned cold. “They'll know you killed him. If anything, it'll just prove that Peter was framed all along.”

James let out a bitter laugh. “Why would they? You think they'll believe you? A convicted felon who stole the evidence box underneath their noses? Who escapes when the going gets tough? I kill him and you'll run. You don't want to take the fall either.”

“They don't have to believe me. There are cameras.”

“You think I'm stupid? I disabled them. No one's watching, Neal. It's your word against theirs.”

Neal finally smiled and lowered his arms. “I know. I figured as much. So it's a good thing I brought my own.”

The gun wavered in the air as James frowned, quickly looking around. Peter shot Neal a curious look to which Neal just grinned triumphantly. “You see, I knew you'd want to kill him yourself, but you wouldn't try anything in the courthouse. Security's too tight. You needed him outside and knew I'd try to save him. I may be predictable, but I know how to plan ahead. And I always have backup.”

James scowled and his eyes flared. “You little bastard.” Shaking his head, his mouth curled up in a sadistic grin. “It doesn't matter. I still have the upper hand here.” He nudged Peter with the gun again.

Neal shrugged. “Maybe, but there are also FBI agents moments away from barging through that door, and this time, you won't get away with it-any of it. You pretty much signed your confession. And if you don't believe me, say hi to the camera.” He waved his hand to the far wall of the dock where Mozzie stepped out, holding a video camera.

In the blink of an eye, James' hand moved a fraction of an inch, and the sound of a gunshot reverberated in the air as Mozzie ducked around the corner with a yelp. James moved his sights back toward Peter, and Neal moved without thinking, shoving Peter aside and lunging towards his father. Neal barely registered the sound of a door crashing as he and James went down in a tangled heap of limbs, Neal desperately clawing for the gun. James angrily fought back and, before the agents could get to them, another gunshot sounded.

Neal was pushed away as James jumped to his feet. The momentum sent Neal tumbling down the ramp. He bounced against the concrete before he fell off the ramp and crashed three feet to the ground. With a loud crack as his head hit connected with the pavement, his body came to rest.

“Neal!” Peter screamed, running toward him as agents swarmed the dock yelling, and James started to run away. Two gunshots rang out and James fell down. Peter skidded to his feet, falling on the ground beside Neal's still body. He pushed aside Neal's suit coat, revealing the hole in his stomach bleeding profusely. Without pause he pressed his hands down, trying to staunch the flow of blood.

Diana called out, but Peter’s focus did not waver, crying out Neal’s name. Blood running down the side of his head, Neal’s eyes stared up into the sky, deaf to Peter’s desperate cries. Arms quickly encircled him, and Peter lashed out as agents pulled him away.

“Neal! Neal! Neal! ”

Part One

neal/sara, character: mozzie, white collar, character: june, wc fic, character: neal, character: jones, character: sara, character: elizabeth, character: peter

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