Title: The End and the Beginning (2/9)
reve_silencieuxRating: PG-13
Characters/Pairing: Neal, Peter, Sara, Mozzie, Jones, Elizabeth, OFC (N/S)
Spoilers: Season Five
Warnings: Spoilery (highlight to read) Permanent Injury - Paralysis
Word Count: 49,000 (This chapter: 7441)
sapphire2309Summary: Five years after the events of
The Last Con, Peter and Jones
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As for Neal and Peter... well, the way you write them is extremely believable and one of the closest versions to canon I've seen. It's - dificult, to see how they can hurt each other so much, even though they genuinely care about each other. I love how despite everything, Neal and Peter both wish Peter could have been around for Neals recovery - because as much as they can be bad for each other, the good still outweights that - and really, their friendship is just too important for them to give that up.
Given the situation with Gregory, I reluctantly approved of Neal's choice to go back to WitSec, but the previous and especially this chapter really drove it home how absolutely necessary it was for him and Sara. They had made the right choice - the only choice in their situation - and it's heart-breaking what they had to give up, but it looks like they found their peace with that. Also, it was interesting that you mentioned that people generally didn't go back to WitSec, and I like how Neal points that out to Peter.
I also like the beginning of the case that's forming there (yay, Mozzie!!!). Things seem difficult right now with the Marshals and the potential breach of security, but I hope that in the end, this will be good for everyone - and that Neal and Sara won't lose the life they had made for themselves.
Again, great chapter and I'm eagerly awaiting more of the story.
WitSec was definitely a hard decision for them but ultimately the only one. It's exactly what Keller tried to warn a couple eps ago. Neal didn't want Gregory to hurt his friends and family, so he made the sacrifice. (I'm really hoping that doesn't play out on the show!)
...and Mozzie. I had to include him. :D
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