Rewards for a week of hard work

Jun 01, 2008 12:56

Weekends are fun. It's been a long time since I said that but the last few have been particularly awesome. On Friday I saw the new Indy movie with a friend at Hollywood Blvd. The movie was definitely entertaining and definitely made better by the presence and consumption of alcohol. I would be hard pressed to say the movie was good, but I enjoyed watching it. Apparently though, in the Indiana Jones world, it is quite possible to commune telepathically with monkeys and convince them of the horrors of Communism. If only this were true in our world, the Red Scare would have died out alot faster since we could have employed monkeys to sniff out the pinko bastards.
Saturday was barbeque and rum goodness at a park in Sycamore which lasted until sunset and was followed up by some friends I hadn't seen in quite some time buying me drinks and pizza at the Annex. On the way from the park to the bar, I was pulled over by the po-lice. He was bored and after being behind me for five minutes decided he would pull me over for a busted tail light. He ran my license and insurance and then gave them back to me and said to put some duct tape on it and sent me on my way. I have a notion that one day, if it hasn't happened already, duct tape will save the world. It was good to reacquaint myself with the DeKalb folks and I think I will see them on a more regular basis. I had a really good time. Thanks guys!
Today I will round out the weekend with some bowling at the Tivoli Bowl which looks like it's probably a dive, but actually is pretty nice. Even better, Sundays are $.99 a game and beer is only $2. F'ing radical!
More later, less now.
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