I just got the best surprise birthday present, ever:
missmurchison and
keswindhover took the time and trouble to come up with a
wonderfully silly fic, allowing me to interact with numerous favorite fandoms (it's currently appearing on
missmurchison's LJ). I couldn't be more flattered or delighted. Fan-friends rock!
Meanwhile, just to catch up a bit, I've recently seen on DVD "My Super Ex-Girlfriend", which was surprisingly fun. I had been dreading it, thinking that the previews made it look horribly sexist and stupid, but the previews I'd seen in the theater had actually mis-represented it, I thought -- especially since they'd given me no clue that Eddie Izzard was playing a major supporting role in the movie, as a SUPER-VILLAIN and arch-nemesis of the female super-hero. All anyone would've had to say to me to get me to pay actual money in a theater for this film was "Eddie Izzard as a super-villain"! It's fluff, but at least it was better and more interesting fluff than I'd been led to believe.
Another film I've seen -- in the theater, this time -- is "Sweet Land", about an arranged marriage during the era of WWI between a Norwegian bachelor farmer in Minnesota (but younger and much cuter than those Garrison Keillor was always talking about) and a young woman from Oslo who speaks almost no English, and who turns out, in fact, to be originally from Germany -- thus raising many concerns and eyebrows at that time in rural America. It was a sweet, beautiful film, and the young version of Olaf (the Norwegian farmer) was played by Tim Guinee, whom I recognized from many guest and starring appearances on sci-fi shows filmed in Vancouver (most recently, I recall him as Vala's sweet but unfortunately devout Ori-worshiping spouse -- the Joseph to her Mary, when it came time to give birth to her daughter, the Orici). See this film, if you get the chance.
I'll try not to wait so long between posts, in future.