Vancouver - I haven't been out of the valley in like, a decade. Which is probably pretty bad, since I'm young and have found that my perspective is a bit misadjusted from living in a town of old crackers all my life. Vancouver left a bad impression on me the last time I went; I was stuck in the back seat of a Toyota truck for fourteen hours with stressed-out parents, having gone to Vancouver to return a diamond that my father couldn't pay for (he was formerly a goldsmith, until he got screwed out of a shitload of money.) and just wanting to get home in the hopes of salvaging my weekend/catching the episodes of Pizza Cats that I was missing. Terminally without ambition, I didn't really see much of a reason to go there, but I kind of regret not having taken advantage of my parents for some teenage road trips back then. At the risk of sounding like the yokel that I am, it was an amazing place. Escalators! The Skytrain! Tall buildings! A functional public transit system! Things to do and see and buy that aren't "the 7-11" or "the abandoned Hiram Walker's parking lot". Christ, an anime store that was wall-to-wall stocked with that jappy shit I'm on about so much; it was like some kind of fantastical fever dream from when I was fifteen years old.
Yeah, I think I've finally found what my sister sees in not turning into another old cracker in this dirthole.
But anyway, the convention. It was the nerdiest goddamn thing I've ever seen or been a part of, and I loved it. Hanging around these Internet circles, I've been exposed to a lot of snark regarding these things, particularly in reference to the cosplayers, and I've heard a lot of people telling me that they aren't all that interesting and that it's a horrible ordeal to have to be around so many of *those* people, Yeah, shame and good taste is left at the door, there's an overwhelming sense of social awkwardness, and they really are, at their heart, an edifice built on shameless consumerism concerned primarily with insubstantial east asian pop culture. Well, whatever. I went in with the philosophy "Go hard, or go home", and although there was some unpleasantness and disorientation on the first day, I immersed myself on this strange planet populated by four thousand people like me, or at least like me when I was a bit younger, straight-up donning that Maria-sama ga Miteru seifuku with my head held high. And, well, I had so much fun. I was taking pictures of everyone I could recognize, getting pictures taken of myself (while considerably more were taken of my considerably cuter sister, but DAMMIT I WAS FUCKIN' PRETTY) watching Haruhi in a theatre full of people that I didn't actually have to explain anything to, taking in this supremely dorky but fully amusing "How to Be A Cobra Trooper" panel, just about funding this lady's retirement at one of the dealer's tables, and generally just taking in the ambience. And smells, occasionally, but I can't say my seifuku wasn't a tad ripe by the third day either.
So yeah, lots of incredible fucking nerds, having fun in their own ideosyncratic sort of way. It was educational, entertaining, edifying, and I wish I had gone to one of these things earlier. Scoff away, Internet.
Also, the seifuku was tremendous. Thank you so much,
So yeah, pixxx of myself that I will probably regret posting at some point in the future. Most of these were taken by my sister, although I think I ganked one from that Yoshino in the first picture on the con forums.
I was happy to see that there was someone else in a Lillian uniform, and not another one on the Lillian Academy Rugby Team at that!
The pleats on their skirts shouldn't be noticeable. Their white sailor collars should always be tidy. ROCKING SLOWLY IS PREFERRED HERE
I think I'm praying for a hairbrush. Jesus isn't going to forgive me for that awful mess on my head there.
Hey, maybe He will
Being at a con, I'm sure our Zord is cardboard and covered in tinfoil.
And in a compromising position with Frank West and a Servbot head...
Hmm, what's that you say he's doing...?