Morning History Lesson

Jul 31, 2005 13:43

"In the twelfth century, King Henry II, one of the most powerful European rulers of his time, regained the northern counties of England. He granted Sizergh and other lands in North and South Westmorland to Gervase Deincourt sometime between 1170 - 1180AD. Sizergh was held in the Deincourt family for several generations until Elizabeth Deincourt, became the sole heiress. Later the estate was conveyed in marriage to her husband, Sir William Strickland in 1239.

Sizergh castle has since remained in the Stickland family for over 750 years, being their main place of residence. Due to financial difficulties the remaining family made a gift of the castle, house and contents together with the adjoining lands to the National Trust in 1950. Mary Strickland CBE, the eldest daughter with no surviving sons died in 1970. Her husband Henry Hornyold added the surname and arms of Strickland in 1932 by coinheritance. The remaining family, associated to date with the castle are the Hornyold-Strickland's." - from one of many Sizergh webpages

Can you believe someone is gifted with the surname Hornyold?!?
Someday I'll be a horny old Strickland.