May 22, 2005 13:53
For the second time in my life I'm carrying a loaded weapon and have instructions to kill. Nota goodway to start a year. Onthe upside I started reading theSubterraneans by kerouac again. Comment all you like but I think Mardou represents the Balance to all of the antipathy Leo feels for himself. She is his own personal net of Indra, a converging point in his life both literally and thematically. I think she connects him to the rest of humanity, and is a grounding influence. Someone seperating him from the shallow lives of the deep-thinkers. She is the essence as Leo himself says. Reading the flow of verbage that kerouac put on page ina 3day 3night binge really makes me jealous. Half his sentences arent sentences at all, they dont have a regulated form, subject, action, anything. Its just a gob of experience plopped right there in front of you on the page...its subconsious, and you feel every word. In other words it fuckin rocks. I tried to explain the book to a guy in my platoon. Hewas like "oh....sounds like a page turner". Heyshitbagthatsairrefutablemasterpiecefromthecatdaddyofamericanlitwhydontyougoreadsomeharlequinromanceyoupieceoffuck! I said,or would've if I weren'tlooking out the airport windows at the aching greeness that is ireland. And again. Here I am in the brown. Yes brown. So damn brown world that there is no more blue sky. no white clouds. no greenery. everything muted sandy dusty brown. Oh, and I smell shit when the wind turns right.
I've also passed up several great opportunities to write, which really dissapoints me... bleh.
later my lambs,