Less Compromise More Change

Aug 20, 2010 09:45

There are some who grouse about the current administration, that they just want to 'blame Bush'. Well, DUH!!! The guy took a huge budget surplus, cut taxes for people who didn't really need it and went to war against terrorism. What amazes me is he dragged the Brits into fighting terrorism. You would think that after all the years with the IRA, they would have learned what a major fuck up that is. That is one colossal fuck up. You just can't forget the cause of that mess. Blame Bush, blame Bush. After a huge disaster, does the cause of the disaster change over time? When does this happen? Are their people in New Orleans saying; It's been 5 years why are you still blaming the hurricane? Well, Beaudreax, because it was the hurricane that burst the levies and flooded our town. Just like we knew it would ever since the MrGo was built. But I digress...

I'm not here to be an apologist for the administration but, did we really think that they could change so much so fast? Yea, maybe we did. Hope can make you think more is possible than may actually be possible. But, also, the one thing we can not do is quit half way through the first term, you betcha. Some folks want to use the fact that the economy has not recovered yet as evidence that Hope and Change have failed, that they can't work. These same people don't want anyone to notice that they have been obstructing change. All they have to say is; government is the problem! Yea! We Know! That's why we got rid of you guys! Your idea of government causes all sorts of problems.

We've seen the number of problems your government causes. Regulators who don't regulate and allow tainted food and lead painted toys into the market place. Regulators who don't regulate mining or oil drilling safety, getting people killed and polluting our environment. Politicians who deny global warming. Let me ask you this, no matter how you feel about global warming; Where in America is it safe to eat a fish you catch out of a lake or stream? Where has all that mercury come from because it wasn't there 50 years ago. Other politicians are obsessed with social issues that we settled back in the 60s man! They're still arguing Roe and the Twinkie defense.

But worst of all they keep pushing this voodoo economics. Guys, let's face it, after 30 years we can pretty much say that Ronald Reagan didn't know shit about economics. The so called fiscal conservatives have run up more debt that all the other presidents combined, Combined! Reagan and the two Bushes are responsible for nearly all of our national debt. And what did they spend it on? The Pentagon. This is like the trailer park guy who home schools his kids and eats nothing but spam so he can afford a brand new truck and a full gun rack. This is like the mid-life crisis guy who blows the kids college money on a boat and names it 'Pay for your own degree'. And they say, government is the problem. Government is not there to take care of you.

Yea, I know that. But, you see, these same people will tell you that government protects their property rights. It's not there to take care of you. It's there to take care of your boss. It's there to take care of the people with the most property, so they can "give" you a job. That's what Bush meant when he talked about an ownership society. That's why his administration took so many well intentioned programs, like Fannie and Freddie, Remember them? Remember Clinton selling those to us, how they were going to get more people access to home ownership because if you can afford your rent you can afford a mortgage. Blighted tenant neighborhoods would be revitalized by home ownership. They took that and ran it into the ground to prove that government was the problem at the same time funneling the money from that scheme into the owners who fund their campaigns. Last, they try to tell us that in Business, you have to be ethical or the market will punish the unscrupulous. It that really true? If it is, then why are so many of the quote 'successful' people unethical, unscrupulous bastards who employee entire law firms to dissect the rules and figure out just what they can get away with as they claw their way to the top by any means necessary? Why is that?

It's easy to rile up the base with fear. It's easy for both sides to use the fear of the other guy taking over to avoid issues. I do not want to keep voting against things. I want something to vote for. It has been said; "If they can stop the recovery from occurring, If they can create as much pain as possible, the cynical view is people will be angry and either drop out and not vote at all or vote against those in the majority," (Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) said in June) It seems logical, if somewhat cynical, to vote against the majority to express your dissatisfaction. However, that message is expected and it will not bring about the change that is lacking. If you voted for change before, vote for it again. Do the unexpected, send even more democrats to Congress and when you do, send this message. 2012 is only 2 years away. Less Compromise, More Change.

conservative, conservatism, republican, liberal, sermon, equality, bush, society, obama, politics

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