We WILL NOT return to the 19th Century

Feb 10, 2010 11:44

Posted in Conservatism:

It's disgusting how much money is being ripped from its rightful owners and being spread around Washington for entitlement spending (let's not forget the exorbitant spending on politicians and military men/women). I'm sick of it and we need to stop it, why doesn't people talk about this?

My Multiple Point Plan for Balancing the Budget and Taking Back America

  • Liquidate the following programs

1) Medicare
2) Medicaid
3) Social Security
4) All military departments except the National Guard
5) Department of Education and shut down state spending on all state K-12 and universities immediately
6) National Endowment of the Humanities and Arts
  • After these programs are all liquidated, proceed in eliminating all taxes and refunding this money back to the tax paying public. Entitlement programs alone would net the average tax payer $7,000 at least. 
  • Dump the payroll tax
  • Reduce the income tax to 1.5% - this goes to the deficit
  • Impose a secondary flat tax of 2% - this goes to the deficit
  • Tax all politicians who voted for any spending increase 2000-2012 for the rest of their lives until the deficit is reduced to a reasonable amount. You break it you bought it.
  • Empowered by getting their stolen money back, the middle class will lift up the poverty class by means of community love/activism and through religious institutions

Since I can not respond this is drivel in the forum it was posted at, and I am over due for a post of my own, I will take this on here.

First of all, this bullet point proposal is totally laughable.  Even the Tea Party folks won't let you touch their Medicare or Social Security.  They paid in that money and they want it.  While I'm all for cutting military spending, seriously, nothing but the National Guard?  Really?!?  Now, as for the tax reforms, I'm going to assume that the OP meant for his 3.5% tax to pay off the national DEBT not the deficit.  Having a yearly deficit is where the debt comes from.  Cutting taxes when you are not bringing in enough money is just not possible.

Next, I want to take issue with some of the assumptions the OP makes.  First, the assumption that taxes are theft is ludicrous and irresponsible.  Taxes are your portion of the bill to pay for this country.  To assume theft is to hold forth that you are the only person who matters and that you are entitled to all that America has to offer but have no responsibility to help pay for it.  To conclude that all spending you disagree with is theft is childish and stupid.  Like it or not, the majority rules here.  The majority of Americans WANT Social Security, Medicaid and a strong national military.

Finally, I have to call BS on the statement that the middle class will end poverty through their own beneficence.  To assume that private charities, who are allowed to decide who they will and will not help, CAN fill the gap created by scrapping all welfare programs is incredibly naive and has no basis in history.  It just will not happen because it has never happened before.

My conclusion in this matter is that people should stop wasting time screaming for a return to the 19th century.  Accept that you are not the only, nor the most important, person in this country.  The majority of Americans find your proposal ridiculous so just get over it.  No one gets everything they want, that's Democracy!

conservatism, taxes, politics

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