Jul 29, 2012 14:03
So yesterday I was on my way out to do a little shopping, Standing near the road by the parking lot of the liquor store and drug store in town (the major shoppping centers in town) was a guy holding a sign that said he was homeless and looking for handouts, he wasn't to disheveled or anything and had a back pack which was lying on the ground. I drove by and procedded to the next town where the was really shopping, along side the road at the enterance to a amll was another guy with a same sign (written on a small piece of cardboard, and Not meaning exactly the same sign) and looking similar to the last fellow including the backpack on the ground. No I thought it strange to see the one fellow inmy little town, but seeing a second clone some seven miles down the road in a similar location ends all doubt in my mind as to a spounging operation.
It was over an hour before I got back homeward, and the first fellow was gone, not sure why, but mostly likely simply picked up by his cohorts, though it could have been the cops that made him move along. But I supesct the former. The "gypsy", as they call themselves tend to make a couple of passes through the area during the summer months, often going door to door with some kind of scam, I have seen them trying to pull credit card scams in stores before too. I mostly started noticing this about six years ago.
so just noting this as an intersting item and to make sureI keep the house locked properly while at work.
Anybody else ever notice the gypsies? They are largely a roving bunch of small time criminals though they some times do quasi honest work. They don't typically stay in the area long, all of the above is why I thnk they call themselves gypsies, and there are different groups of them or families as they say.
things to note.