X Men Origins: Wolverine & Star Trek

May 26, 2009 00:35

Yeah.... so...

Okay. First thing first, as an action flick I liked it. It was entertaining. But as a movie based on the Marvel comics, I hated it. Awful, so awful. Deadpool as a Baraka wanna-be that's the bad guy? WTF? So lame. And Silverfox and Emma Frost are sisters? WTFx2 ... Logan and Sabretooth being related I can buy, it was hinted at in the comics at the very least. Whoever wrote this script needs to be taken out behind the barn and beaten like a redhead step child. And whoever APPROVED this script, they can be next. >_<

Star Trek:
I liked it. It was enjoyable. Even if I kept waiting for the young Spock to start cutting open people's heads. About the only thing I didn't like was the alternate time stream plot. Sure, it makes the potential for sequels vast, but it rewrites the history of it all. That's kinda lame to me.

Meh. Whatever. Fuckin' Hollywood.
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