Jun 04, 2006 23:18
(This is not directed at anyone but the general gist of superfan ill-ease about X3.)
This is a set of three movies of roughly 5 1/2 hours total length, during which time, some serious fanboys want the director/scriptwriter/Chinese delivery guy/etc. to condense 43 yrs (+/-) of storyline history in a completely accurate and comic book faithful manner.
NOT FUCKING POSSIBLE. Right up there with cold fusion and free internet access for your home (anyone remember that little canard from when NetZero first started?).
Now that we've cleared that up (unless you still live in Mom's basement and are wearing the same red Star Trek uniform shirt from 50 lbs ago . . . for you, there is no clearing up), Famke Janssen does great; Ian McKellen rules; Hugh Jackman ditto; and the SFX are off the chain. This is a great movie, folks, and that's all it is - a movie. About a subject dear to my heart . . . sure. Did I want to see it done well? Yep. This is not a slavish homage running for 5 hrs (and even then something wouldn't meet someone's specs); it's a great two-hour summer flick that was well worth the money.
One more thing: THIS IS NOT A *&%^$#@!?+ING TRILOGY. Various personnel associated with X3 have stated that. And if you didn't stay for the scene after the credits, that's your fault.
So, with Iraq, Darfur, the economy and all the other ills in this world, I thought I'd help everyone squeegee their third eye so that they could see clearly (BillHicks). Relax, get some popcorn and a coke for roughly . . . oh, the price of a car payment and, most of all, enjoy. I mean really . . . did you pay to see a movie or just something to gripe about on LJ/MySpace later?
Y'all stay out of trouble.