Jan 13, 2005 18:39
The original, female version of me, Gwen Huskey - my paternal grandmother and fellow crewmate of the GoodShipLollipop, died yesterday at my parents' house up in Polk County. It was nice she could be with family and she lived a long, wonderful life and she was loved and will be missed by many . . . yes, yes, yes . . . and I don't know whether I'm mad, sad or happy and grateful to have been a part of her life and to have had her be such a big part of mine; one minute, I want to blow up the fucking world and another, I'm drinking a beer laughing about all the wonderful times I had just smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee with her. Then, I end up crying listening to Wilco and Billy Bragg doing "California Stars", which I think she really would've liked but she never got to hear it . . . Dammit!!!!!!!!!!!
She was an original and I'll post a pic from her heyday as soon as I get my hands on it. She made Audrey Hepburn look like an uncoordinated cow - no shit.
Y'all hug someone you love right now HARD. There comes a time when you can't anymore and it will break your heart.
You guys are good friends to put up with my shit; I think of all y'all often. So, stay dry and warm and tip one for Gwen; she'll be smiling somewhere. Probably watching a Braves' game, bourbon one hand, smoke the other.