Jul 20, 2010 15:18
So last night we saw INCEPTION, which was awesome and you should go see it. Really, it was a great movie and worth seeing.
But during the previews to said great movie, there was a preview for "Social Network" - or as it should be known, "the facebook movie."
I'm not sure if that hit you with the full force that I intended. "Social Network" is a movie about the "history" of facebook. The "history" of facebook. The facebook as we know it today launched in 2005, and it's predecessor was developed in 2003. So even if you go back to the initial idea, it's only 7 years old. Isn't that a little early for a dramatized movie?
Anybody? I thought the "blindside" was pushing it, being about a fairly young athlete - who's life was only nominally interesting, but that was a "feel" good true-life movie and I don't expect much from them. I'm not sure what this is. But it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.