
Mar 03, 2009 11:09

So the process of ordination is a long one in my denomination, one that for me started over six years ago.  Yesterday, after months of paper work, examinations, interviews, etc I went before the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry for a very special interview.  After reviewing all of my work and meeting with me for 90 minutes four members of the board had to decide whether or not to recommend me for Provisional Membership in the Conference (or Commissioning as we call it).

It's a long day and nerves are high because the interview is tough and the board members can say "not yet" which means you have to wait another year, or an outright "no" don't continue (which does not usually happen at this point).  But my interview went well and I was recommended by the board for Commissioning at Annual Conference this year (all of the Elders in the Conference will vote on it this June at Annual Conference (they always vote yes - it's just a support thing at that point) and I will be Commissioned in a fancy ordination ceremony.

Then I meet with a group for two years and I can go up for Ordination as an Elder, or recommendation to be a member of the conference in full-connection.

So.  In June I will be Ordained.  And hopefully in 2 years time I will have "Super Tenure."

Hurray for me!
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