Sep 06, 2008 09:28
I still don’t have any television signal so my source of news it and watching the Daily Show and Colbert Report on the internet. Some may say that skews my view of the candidates and of politics, but those people watch Fox News, which has a skewed view of the candidates and of politics and makes the mistake of taking itself seriously. In truth I find the best news is often found on BBC News, yes it’s also skewed, but certainly not towards either party.
Alright so here is my issue. I’m not a registered Democrat or Republican. Yes, many of you know I’m more aligned with the Democrats and that nothing short of Obama raping and killing his family will make me vote for anyone else (although that would be a personal family “decision” he makes, so that shouldn’t affect my vote). That being said I am not a Republican hater. I have respect and love for the Republican Party. That is, the Republican Party as it was.
You see when I think Republican I think of a bold group of people who stood up to slavery, who elected Abraham Lincoln to represent them, who thought progressively and wanted to protect the rights of all people from an evasive government. Maybe those days have past, but when I think Republican today I think of the exact opposite. In the last eight years the Republican Party has increased the involvement the government has on our day to day lives. The Republican Party has been against progressive industry and science that could possibly save lives and save our planet. They have grown conservative, but in the worst way, the way that is so close-minded that nothing can get accomplished.
Now I don’t claim every registered Republican is in the social or fiscal conservative group, nor are they bigoted Christian scum bags. Now let digress for a moment. To me there seems to be a lot of Republicans who claim to be Christian and claim that the following things are important because of their Christianity: (1) having the 10 Commandments in public buildings, (2) teaching Creationism in school, (3) being Pro-Life, and (4) opposing Gay Marriage. These are not Christian issues. Christ did not speak to any of these things. I know, I have several degrees in knowing what Christ said, I’ve actually read the bible, me and JC talk on a regular basis, I’m probably the most Christiany person most of you know, and believe me referring to those things as Christian issues, or using your Christianity to defend them is absurd. Now I grant you, you can believe what you want, but those things have nothing to do with Christianity, or for that matter Judaism.
At the end of the day I want to be able to vote for either candidate. I want to have a choice, but there is no choice when the Republican Party is only obsessed with moral-social conservative issues. Talk about the war, or about foreign policy, or about the economy, or about energy, or about political type things. All I’ve heard from the Republicans this century is how we have to stop the abortions and the gays from marrying and how bad the Democrats are, and that didn’t change during this convention season. I desperately want to feel good about both parties, but it seems that a faction that was nothing 40 years ago has now completely taken over the Republican Party. Again, I know not all Republicans belong to this group, but this is the group that is being pandered to, that the candidates suck up to, the reason Palin is on the McCain ticket - yes maybe because she is a woman and has “executive experience” but truly because she is a complete social conservative (and I even hate to use that because social conservatism should mean something else) and she backs up McCain who really isn’t.
As a person who has supported the Republican Party and some of its candidates, and as a Christian and a theological conservative I am disgusted by the turn the party has made in the last decade. I know many are still attached to the party and will vote for McCain, but I think the Republicans gave up on the Republic a long time ago and that is a sad thing indeed.