On the 636th Day

Sep 06, 2008 15:55

there was light.

And on the very SAME DAY - counter tops, CARPET, fire alarms, a big fancy house fan, electrical outlet covers and light switches and a door bell!
It was sureal.

sconces in the stairwell.

This is of the light fixture and of the carpet being installed in my bedroom. The metal is bronze with a dark antique like patina on the glass. and this is not a very good picture of it.

Upstairs carpet. Its dark with a lot of different colors in it. I love it.

my cabinets have counter tops.

Its called crayon. It looks like abstract pastel art. I love it. I ordered a black porcelin sink and black and stainless steel appliances - gas stove, dishwasher and fridge. The fridge is my house warming present from Marcia.

Big fancyass garage lights. They cracked me up when I saw them up. pretty grandiose for casa mi casa su casa.

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