Nov 09, 2003 02:51
I usually spend this time just jotting down my current state of mind or some such but tonight I'll take a stab at something else. Just went to go see Matrix Revolutions. I have some thoughts. For those of you yet to see it just let me say that Trinity dies. Heh heh heh. I spoiled it. Anyway, I thought that the last half hour of the film, as well as the entire 'wrap up' to the trilogy was garbage. Complete and utter tripe. We left the theater and stood outside smoking and tried to put to words the feelings we had after just finishing the movie. 20 minutes and a solid chunk of bitching later I had an odd thought. Do the makers of the Matrix films OWE me a solid, satisfying end to the series? No one forced me to view this movie, no one held a gun to my head and told me to go out and see this or Reloaded. Why then should I feel slighted by what I consider to be a cop out, worthless ending? I don't think that my disgust with the culmination would be so high if not for the fact that the POTENTIAL this series had was wasted so much. The Matrix was an entertaining, action packed science fiction filmed that accomplished a daunting task, it was able to incorporate gun play, hong kong phooey fights, black leather clad heroes and tie it in to an intelligent, thought provoking story. How often does that happen? The sequel reloaded upped the ante on the action and hong kong phooey but it slacked off story wise, and this film followed suit. I find it to be a tragedy that a story with such raw potential as this one did just falls right on its face during the final act. The writers, producers, director, etc. certainly don't OWE anyone a decent story, they make the film the studio tells them to make, but to fumble a sure thing like this is bizzare. It's a durn shame and even though they don't owe anyone a decent ending, they owed it to themselves to bring to us an ending that made a bit more sense and was a lot more satisfying.