Nov 27, 2002 01:50
It was asked of me again today and as I was coming up with a smary comment I decided to actually write down the origin of the IE and all of us mischief makers. Aug. 18th 1998 I was going to school in Joliet Illinois. It was raining that day and my pals Nick and Ed joined me in my room to smoke up and talk. Our discussion drifted to the Masons. At the time I was being pursued for membership and they were trying to dissuade me from going to meet with the Grand Poo-Bah. I tried to explain to my chums the benefits of joining a hush-hush ain't it cool top secret cult when Ed brought up an interesting point. Why should I have to jump through hoops to join their g.d. group? What are they to me? It made sense. Our dialogue continued, what is it about the Masons that made it such a nifty group? What made people go to such lengths to 'belong'? Nick, Ed myself and the other members of our wacky clique came from different backgrounds, different areas but one thing we all shared: We were all freaks. We were part of a community that had no community. No matter where you go in the U.S. we were there. In the back of a Denny's/IHOP/Perkins/Abdows we were there, at campuses just like JJC we were there, the silent, the freaks, the invisible. We had no trouble finding each other, we had no issues with trying to 'belong'. The invisible always find each other, we just click. We went further: What else do we share as a group, as a non-community? A general mistrust, even hate of most-other-folks. We found that we 'hated' a vast majority of the citizens of this country because they were useless sheep. The next time you take a drive in your home-town, take a look around at all the houses that dot the landscape, look at all the businesses. The roads are choked with cars of all shapes and sizes filled with people, millions of them living, working, breathing. We realized that there's way to many fucking people in this country, natural citizens or otherwise. We talked about politics and television and religion and everything we felt was wrong with America. We talked about everything that was wrong with our lives and we realized that we only had one person to blame for our shortcomings and our failures: Ourselves. If our car sucked, if our finances were not in order, if our relationships and personal agendas were stalling it was because we were not doing enough work to improve said situations. The truth was it was all in our hands. We are the masters of our destinies, not the whims of a capricious fate. We decide what happens, we determine what we do, what rewards we shall reap. If we were so fucking smart it was time for us to start proving it. We started our own orginization. A group of like minded individuals united in one task: Taking whatever we want from this world. When we began we had 8, now we number 240. The card I have is the King of Clubs. It represents my dedication to my friends and allies and to myself and my own evolution. Next time I'll go into greater detail concerning the Invisible Empire and what it is we do.